Some of this concept is being discussed in the Jets thread. Basically, population growth is key, not just for individual ratings and butts in the seats, but corporations follow the growth. The sunbelt markets such as Dallas, Houston, Miami, Atlanta, Charlotte, Nashville, and even tiny markets like Greenville, SC and Savannah have exploded over the last decade and companies have followed. Atlanta has had HUGE corporate growth over the last decade and as we're leaning in that Jets thread, their wallets are super important to a team's financial bottom line.
My own opinion on QC is similar to Winnipeg. I'd never question the fan's passion for hockey. Among the strongest in the world. But in a city under 1 million, ownership (over time) has to rely on the same people and same corporations buying tickets all the time (40 home games a year is a lot for a small city). The love for the sport is certainly there, but bad economies and a long stretch of a rebuilding team gets magnified big time in smaller populations.
None of that actually counters any of what I said. The people who are supportive of these types of moves are relying on completely hypothetical and based on now numerous other examples, unrealistic hopes. You can say that they have a market of 6 million or even more but the assumption is that you actually have a chance of reaching all those people when we know it is not going to happen. What percentage of the people in that area are actually, realistically potential customers. Guaranteed it is a HELL of a lot less than the total population and given what's gone on in the past I'd say it's a lost less than even 25% of the population.
Growth whether at the population or corporate level only matters if you can actually reach them. History shows that's not going to happen.
There are right now 750 000 people in Winnipeg. Based on ratings, they get about 250 000 on an average night. Add in another 50k - 75k for people who aren't watching but are interested and that's who you're making money off of.
Now lets take Atlanta. They have a population of 6.1 million. I can't find the ratings but somehow I don't think even in the best of times it came anywhere close to reaching those levels.
Then we can compare ticket and game day revenue, sponsorships, regional TV contract (a lot for WPG and not a lot for ATL), impact on national contract (a lot for WPG and not a lot for ATL) and a whole slew of other factors.
So again, I ask myself and others what's the point of having 6.1 or more million customers if you can't and won't reach them?
Even look at a team that's considered successful in Tampa Bay. Everything I said above about Atlanta is the same for them. Their ratings are a little more than a 1/3rd. Would have to look at ticket prices, other revenue, contracts etc but it's a guarantee it's not more than Winnipeg.
All of this applies to a ton of other teams. Quebec City may only have just under 550k people but I would still put money on them having better ratings than any of the above teams and bringing in more money than the other teams hands down. Also, that's just the city population. You're also not taking into account the number of people from elsewhere in Quebec who would watch because of language reasons that I won't go into here and the fact that it's not the Habs.
Because as much as people want to say that Quebec is already saturated, it's really not when you really break things down.
By the way, this post may give off the impression that I'm one of the typical pro Canada anti southern market etc posters. I'm really not. But we're talking nitty gritty business here and that's what it is. This belief in potential and city size almost always leads to failure especially in hockey.
At best, what you want are situations like in San Jose where from year to year, they're pretty much hovering around the line between red and black from what I remember someone saying a few years ago. Quebec would probably be in a similar situation. What they wouldn't be is a drain on the league losing 10's of millions of dollars year after year like the team who shall not be named have been for the past 15 years and what Atlanta was as well.
Anyways, this has been my little rant on the subject.