No its living rent free in your head rve24
and that's a shame.
You can help yourself about commenting about everything I say.
Everything you say lol. I comment on less than 5% of your posts ( far less) But ok, don't let facts get in the way of your narrative
Ya never do, or you just move goalposts.
False Hyperbole only hurts your cred.
You give your self far too much credit BK lol. No shame here. Paint whatever incorrect picture you want. Everyone here reading knows your bias
so how accurate or credible can your post be? lol. Thats the bed you have made for yourself over the years.
But if that's what ya need to make yourself feel better I support the incorrect assumption lol.
Whenever you try to attack you are almost always wrong in your assumptions. Like, over 90% wrong. And you are here as well.
Wasn't it you that posted ( PMd) I would be on ignore ( more than once, and that you would use your 2nd account to monitor my posts......all saved HL that sounds like you are the one giving out rent free space lol. Thats the real shame, you posting those things. A 2nd account yo monitor lol. And ya dont think thats a shame lol)
Sounds more like you are the one with people occupying space rent free.
(I dont lie nor need secondary accounts lol but things you admitted to )
I get it. I really do. If the content of posts can't stand up to scrutiny of attempts at discussing reality, resort to getting personal. All good here.
Enjoy the game tonight and hopefully win or lose there aren't factors that influenced the game. Ya know, the ones that only ever occur to your team