Speculation: Who Goes First/Speculation/Rumors Thread

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Kreid or Die
Jul 18, 2005
Long Island, NY
Girardi has a rough start to the season on a banged up rangers team and now he is considered to be "regressing"....

Staal is automatically going to play in Carolina...

And we should consider trading Kreider period, let alone as part of a package even though in the last 3 games he has been our best, most dominant and effective forward...

This board never ceases to amaze me...


Girardi has a rough start to the season on a banged up rangers team and now he is considered to be "regressing"....

Staal is automatically going to play in Carolina...

And we should consider trading Kreider period, let alone as part of a package even though in the last 3 games he has been our best, most dominant and effective forward...

This board never ceases to amaze me...

He's looked slower and more out of position since the beginning of last season....?


Registered User
Apr 11, 2009
Actually, after some thought, I feel a play making center is a more pressing need after this year because Richards is gonzo. But what available playmaking centers are there? They're such a hot commodity always.

What's the deal with Burmistrov? Is he coming back next year? I'd seriously look into him.


Puck is Life
Jul 11, 2012
I think trading options for both MDZ and Staal need to be explored. MDZ+1st+ Kreider/someone else of good value or Staalsy+1st+Boyle. These kind of trades need to be explored and see what we can get back.

For example, MDZ+1st+Kreider. If that gives us Yak or Evander Kane, do we bite? Maybe I'm off in value, but I feel we need to think long and hard about a trade like that.

getting rid of Krieder is a stupid mistake... we're already out of draft picks too, so a 1st is out of the question unless it's years from now...

Staal has indicated he LIKES playing here... Don't see him leaving just yet.

Girardi has NOT regressed... he's been one of our most solid defensemen, and keeps some D vet presence on the ice... that's priceless when it comes time to ween in new defensemen... you want to stick them on with Del Zotto? They'll go like hotcakes...

Most of our roster is staying put, for now... There is a LITTLE bit of dead weight (pyatt, Poo, etc), but I see most of our D staying intact, POSSIBLY moving MDZ (which I am ALL for)... Have a feeling Richards will not be bought out, but I am OK with that move... again, if the guy can put up 60-70 points a season, why get rid of him? That's just stupid... It's a 5M cap hit for at most, 3 seasons (they must have changed this rule, because at some point it was going to be an astronomical cap hit)

Miller Time NYR

Registered User
Oct 5, 2010
Long Beach
Girardi has a rough start to the season on a banged up rangers team and now he is considered to be "regressing"....

he's not regressing but this defensive system doesn't fit him as well as zone did, speed was never his forte.

i think hes somewhat expendable, he's would garner a nice return and sather might look to move him at the deadline if he has an idea of what kind of money hes going to want this offseason.
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Kreid or Die
Jul 18, 2005
Long Island, NY
He's looked slower and more out of position since the beginning of last season....?

Slower and out of position? Find me the video clips please. Find me all 5 of them. You're picking at straws. Girardi has been a stalwart. Referencing a 48 game shortened season is very weak. McDonagh looked awful at times last year. Should we move on from him? Richards had his worst year of his career last year in the shortened season. Girardi has made some stellar plays this season. You are being absolutely ridiculous if you are going to include the blunder from last night as part of your argument. Del Zotto has been the worst positioning wise. To go after Girardi is quite idiotic.


Registered User
Apr 11, 2009
getting rid of Krieder is a stupid mistake... we're already out of draft picks too, so a 1st is out of the question unless it's years from now...

Staal has indicated he LIKES playing here... Don't see him leaving just yet.

Girardi has NOT regressed... he's been one of our most solid defensemen, and keeps some D vet presence on the ice... that's priceless when it comes time to ween in new defensemen... you want to stick them on with Del Zotto? They'll go like hotcakes...

Most of our roster is staying put, for now... There is a LITTLE bit of dead weight (pyatt, Poo, etc), but I see most of our D staying intact, POSSIBLY moving MDZ (which I am ALL for)... Have a feeling Richards will not be bought out, but I am OK with that move... again, if the guy can put up 60-70 points a season, why get rid of him? That's just stupid... It's a 5M cap hit for at most, 3 seasons (they must have changed this rule, because at some point it was going to be an astronomical cap hit)

I'm not necessarily advocating trading Kreider, I'd really would want to avoid doing that. But I feel Glen should include his name with MDZ and see what's available. If its a major talent, you have to consider it.

One of our LD (besides MCD imo) simply has to be moved. It's too much money tied up on LD and not enough ice time to get our moneys worth. MDZ is the best candidate, imo.

Richards has to be bought out, there are no ifs ands or buts about it. Cap recapture penalty is too severe. He has been too inconsistent while he's been here, no indication at ALL that he'll play well into an older age. Its too much of a risk, a potentially crippling one, if we don't buy him out.


Kreid or Die
Jul 18, 2005
Long Island, NY
i wouldn't say he's regressing but this defensive system, doesn't fit him as well as zone did, speed was never his forte.

i think hes somewhat expendable, he's would garner a nice return and sather might look to move him at the deadline if he has an idea of what kind of money hes going to want this offseason.

Can't that be said for the entire team other than the new additions? How many times have forwards looked lost? Odd man rushes created because communication was terrible? You have a really weak argument if you direct it only at Girardi. This team has given up 2 goals or fewer in the last 3. The team is starting to figure it out. They played under the same system for the last 4-5 years, or whatever. You think this was going to change overnight?

Naivety and Ignorance.


Registered User
Apr 11, 2009
Our RD depth is too weak...we simply can't afford to let Girardi go. Unless we trade MDZ or someone for a quality top 4 RD, Girardi has to stay simply our of necessity.

Miller Time NYR

Registered User
Oct 5, 2010
Long Beach
Can't that be said for the entire team other than the new additions? How many times have forwards looked lost? Odd man rushes created because communication was terrible? You have a really weak argument if you direct it only at Girardi. This team has given up 2 goals or fewer in the last 3. The team is starting to figure it out. They played under the same system for the last 4-5 years, or whatever. You think this was going to change overnight?

Naivety and Ignorance.

I'm not the one advocating trading the guy, i don't think regressed at all but its a fact that Girardi is not exactly quick on his feet, and foot speed is not paramount in a zone defensive system, it is when your playing man and its noticable. Not sure how much stronger that argument/fact needs to be.

Also girardi played great in that system for the last 4-5 years, and it did change overnight, and girardi didnt get any faster.


Slower and out of position? Find me the video clips please. Find me all 5 of them. You're picking at straws. Girardi has been a stalwart. Referencing a 48 game shortened season is very weak. McDonagh looked awful at times last year. Should we move on from him? Richards had his worst year of his career last year in the shortened season. Girardi has made some stellar plays this season. You are being absolutely ridiculous if you are going to include the blunder from last night as part of your argument. Del Zotto has been the worst positioning wise. To go after Girardi is quite idiotic.

Everyone chooses to see what they want to see. Girardi was never all too fast but he was so effective because his positioning allowed him to hold others at bay. He's not only lost a step or two he's been out of position far too much. Apparent in both JT and AV systems these past 2 years.


Kreid or Die
Jul 18, 2005
Long Island, NY
I'm not the one advocating trading the guy, i don't think regressed at all but its a fact that Girardi is not exactly quick on his feet, and foot speed is not paramount in a zone defensive system, it is when your playing man and its noticable. Not sure how much stronger that argument/fact needs to be.
I agree. He is not all that quick. And his style did suit the collapsing zone play. However, what Girardi has is smarts. He makes the smart plays that other defenders would/will not. He makes great reads to stick check and go down to close passing lanes on 2-on-1's as well as on PK's. He has intangibles that others don't. In the last few games he has absolutely been getting better as he adjusts to AV's system.
Everyone chooses to see what they want to see. Girardi was never all too fast but he was so effective because his positioning allowed him to hold others at bay. He's not only lost a step or two he's been out of position far too much. Apparent in both JT and AV systems these past 2 years.

I'm not going to argue this all night with you. If you want to back up the talk that he has poor positioning, then post the videos that defend argument. Otherwise give it a rest. And I know you won't look through the videos because 1) it is a very lazy argument on your part....and 2) you will do all that work and come up with maybe 5 videos in the past year that display truly bad positioning.

Hey but like you said YOU choose what you want to see.


Kreid or Die
Jul 18, 2005
Long Island, NY
No wonder our reading and comprehension levels as a country are as low as they are.

What reading comprehension issue does he have? You brought stepan into the discussion. The article you posted from CBS has no mention of Stepan. I see Del Zotto, Kreider, and Miller. But no Stepan. And all of it, was speculation on the reporters part. No substance stating Sather was offering any such package or specific player...



I agree. He is not all that quick. And his style did suit the collapsing zone play. However, what Girardi has is smarts. He makes the smart plays that other defenders would/will not. He makes great reads to stick check and go down to close passing lanes on 2-on-1's as well as on PK's. He has intangibles that others don't. In the last few games he has absolutely been getting better as he adjusts to AV's system.

I'm not going to argue this all night with you. If you want to back up the talk that he has poor positioning, then post the videos that defend argument. Otherwise give it a rest. And I know you won't look through the videos because 1) it is a very lazy argument on your part....and 2) you will do all that work and come up with maybe 5 videos in the past year that display truly bad positioning.

Hey but like you said YOU choose what you want to see.

Hey man. Aggressively trying to corner me isn't going to work out well for you. Find video's of his poor positioning... are you realistic? What do I suddenly have access to the Rangers video room where I can pick and choose moments from every game to build a case? What exactly am I supposed to look up to support my argument? "Dan Girardi poor positioning" ? Go find your own videos.

Lazy argument? Theres no way I can go about showing you unless I sit here every game and point out how he's out of position or getting slower.

He's regressing. He's getting old. He can't clear the crease as effectively as he did a few years ago. He isn't skating as well. He isn't getting back as quickly. He's been making stupider plays out of his own zone. He's making lazier plays out of his own zone. He's regressing. It's ironic you say "naievity and ignorance" when I can turn right back at you and say the same thing.


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Mar 19, 2002
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The Rangers need a right handed shooting offensive defenseman with a bomb. PK Subban would be ideal but hey that isn't happening.

Really the last available defenseman that fit this mold that was available as a free agent was Schultz who ended up in EDM. Righty shots have an easier time picking glove side with a screen. If the goalie can't catch it or deflect it on his glove side; its a whiff up high. While the blocker side a teeny tap on the goalie's stick can send a shot wide and count as a save.

DZ for ShatDueces is a trade I'd do, but Pietro no longer needs a partner. DZ and Pietrangelo go way back into their teens, grew up together, played on same midget teams. Highly doubt Stl. considers it.

People mention Rundblad as an option but the fact that he didn't crack the PHX line up two years running tells me that yes, he is indeed a defensive liability as two other organizations have surmised before moving him. IE he's more Andy Delmore than he is serviceable.

Fact is that the Rangers need the elements that a top four offensive RHD can bring on both the PP, and creating lineup that matches up against any team on the back end.

Staal-Poor man's Subban


What reading comprehension issue does he have? You brought stepan into the discussion. The article you posted from CBS has no mention of Stepan. I see Del Zotto, Kreider, and Miller. But no Stepan. And all of it, was speculation on the reporters part. No substance stating Sather was offering any such package or specific player...



Here is Friedman saying they wanted Stepan as well...

edit also if he had done any type of research into the subject, as he said he did, all of this would have come up... as it came up for me.

Boom Boom Geoffrion*

He's regressing. He's getting old. He can't clear the crease as effectively as he did a few years ago. He isn't skating as well. He isn't getting back as quickly. He's been making stupider plays out of his own zone. He's making lazier plays out of his own zone. He's regressing. It's ironic you say "naievity and ignorance" when I can turn right back at you and say the same thing.





HFBoards Sponsor
Oct 3, 2013
On Girardi - Would only trade if he wants more than McDonagh on his next contract. If you can sign him around 4.5 for a reasonable term, you do it and stop worrying. If his contract demands get out of line then you simply need to explore trade opportunities due to his UFA status. It would be irresponsible not to. There isn't as much urgency to move Girardi now though as the team doesn't look dead in the water anymore.

On Del Zotto - Yes you can and should be looking for a trade fit but I don't understand how people are willing to give him away for scraps. But then again with the berating that he gets on here it is no wonder that no one on these boards shows him any respect. Get creative find the right pieces and make something happen


Dolan sucks!!!
Mar 3, 2002
New York
You don't pay Girardi because there is no one else. Is Girardi worth a long-term contract? A shot blocking defenseman in this system. He is a great fit in the Tortorella dump the puck and passive zone defense system. The Rangers will end up regretting the contract. Girardi will want a major contract. He will be 30 and its his last big contract. Have the Rangers even discussed contract with Meehan regarding Girardi? They have spoken to Meehan about Lundqvist. They have spoken to Steve Bartlett about Callahan. Girardi wasn't very good last season. You want to blame the lockout because he didn't play in Europe. Go ahead. This year its the system. Anymore excuses? If he signs the contract and still doesn't play up to his previous level,the excuse will be Girardi is trying too hard.

Chris Johnston reported the cap is projected to be $67M next season. He wrote this on September 26. On September 23,the NHL Board of Governors met at the Hilton on 6th Avenue. The NHL probably gave the teams that $67M number.

Even though Toronto Maple Leafs general manager Dave Nonis has only just solidified his lineup for this season-signing defenceman Cody Franson to a cap-friendly $2-million, one-year deal on Thursday-he’ll have to start charting the road ahead immediately. And if you’re a fan of this version of the team, don’t get too comfortable. Nonis has plenty of big decisions looming in the coming year, and change is inevitable.

Call it the cold, hard reality of the salary cap.

The NHL’s latest projections for 2014-15 have the ceiling being set at roughly $67-million, which would put Toronto in a tough spot. It’s hard to imagine there being enough money to spread among the eight pending unrestricted free agents and four restricted free agents now on the books. Some of the decisions could come in the near term, too — either in the form of trades or contract extensions.


The Rangers have big decisions looming too. Lundqvist wants $8M-$9M. Callahan wants a raise too. Other players are up for contracts.


Dolan sucks!!!
Mar 3, 2002
New York
The Rangers playing better gives them more leverage when discussing trades. If the team stinks and management is desperate to make a trade,other teams will try to rob you. It strengthens the Rangers hand. We don't have to make a trade. If the deal makes sense,yes.
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