Speculation: Who Goes First/Speculation/Rumors Thread

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Mad Decent
Oct 25, 2009
That's a given really. If we're going to bottom out or rebuild, Hank is leaving. We won't get as much as many of you will want for him either, given the situation.

You don't pay a goalie $9M over 8 years unless you're expecting to be a serious contender for a good portion of those years, and really it'd have to be within the first half rather than the second.


Puck is Life
Jul 11, 2012
I'd keep Staal, Boyle, and Moore.

Staal is a great D-man and a guy we want to have around for as long as possible. I really don't see the point in giving him up now. I see him, McDonagh, Moore, and McIlrath (hopefully) as the future top 4 of the team. Assuming Moore continues to handle the right side well. Would also like a RH'er with a good shot to help out on the PP.

I also can't fathom the insane level of Boyle hatred around here. He and Moore are perfect bottom liners who can go up a line and PK, play decently physical. I mean I'm cool with letting Pyatt and some others go... but what's the point in getting rid of our entire bottom 6? Who is replacing them? Same with Dorse really. Keep at least 2 of those 3 around. Veteran guys who can play different needs on the bottom levels. It's not like we have many guys in the system who can replace them. Hrivik? Kantor? Jean? I dunno who's gonna be ready or when, if ever.

I'm not for a full on rebuild, but a mini rebuild...

Of our entire roster, we keep the following players:


* = Maybe/Maybe not...
Business side is bad for Richards, but cutting all veterans is not necessarily a good idea either.
ZUcc small, but good on the right team

J. Moore


Everybody else gets traded at the deadline for youth players (as most of our players are merely playoff rentals)... that means these guys go:

D. Moore

Package these guys properly and we can get some solid youth in return... We won't tank completely, but we won't make the playoffs... starting with a high draft pick next year, AV trades for players he wants for his system, and we chop off several players...

Unfortunately, this means that Lundqvist most likely walks... so then what? Talbot becomes our starter? I'm not sure how I feel about that, but if we do a mini rebuild, it's our only option


Registered User
Oct 3, 2011
We need Hank to string together a few good games and then trade him to the Oilers for Yakapov, one of the crappy goalies they have and their 2014 1st round pick. We need a top 10 in this years draft or it isn't worth the trade as this draft is alleged to have no depth.

NYR Viper

Registered User
Sep 9, 2007
Jacksonville, FL
We need Hank to string together a few good games and then trade him to the Oilers for Yakapov, one of the crappy goalies they have and their 2014 1st round pick. We need a top 10 in this years draft or it isn't worth the trade as this draft is alleged to have no depth.

You realize that if they trade Hank to the Oilers, they won't have a top-10 pick right? Pretty much no chance.


May 8, 2007
Land of no calls..
We need Hank to string together a few good games and then trade him to the Oilers for Yakapov, one of the crappy goalies they have and their 2014 1st round pick. We need a top 10 in this years draft or it isn't worth the trade as this draft is alleged to have no depth.

They're not dealing an elite prospect and a 1st round pick for a pending UFA goalie who almost certainly wouldn't sign a contract extension there.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2010
Da Big Apple
Keep McDonagh and John Moore. Everyone else can go. Staal. Del Zotto. Girardi. Stralman. Bring up McIlrath later in the year for some seasoning.

Keep only the young forwards upfront. Stepan. Hagelin. Kreider. Miller. Fast. Those guys are part of the solution. Re-sign Callahan. Nash has 4 years remaining on his contract. Bring up Kristo at some point this season. Put Miller at center.

Amnesty Richards in June.

The Rangers have some players in Boyle and Dominic Moore who will be coveted by teams.

Brassard was terrific in the playoffs. Dorsett was a good player in Columbus. He is still a good player. Flip them for other assets.

The other guys are waiver fodder. Pouliot. Pyatt. Zuccarello. They could generate some interest in the trade market. Playoff teams looking for depth forwards could look at Pouliot and Pyatt. Zuccarello said there were other NHL teams interested him last summer.

Re-sign Lundqvist.

Mostly agree w/this^. Props for seconding my call to have Miller at C.
We are not at shortage of C, but we need a fast C to establish complementary Kreider-Miller-Fast/Callahan line.

I agree on Kristo a cup of coffee the very first day we think he can handle it. I'm not as insightful on him as I was on JT Miller last year, and some say he needs a lot of seasoning. Would love it if you were right and he can get a taste this year.

Would keep Dom Moore.
Would listen as to Brassard, but view worth keeping and get big return on Stepan.

Depending upon what the market offers I would trade Stepan apart or in package w/Del Zotto, gamble if we can get likes of Seth Jones/MacKinnon

The others I wouldn't push, but if I can get at least TML's 2014 1st for Girardi NOW, I do it. Don't wait til he has less value based on less season.

Boyle and Dorsett I would flip for decent offers.

Pouliot. Pyatt. Zuccarello, IMO addition by subtraction as to cap space recovered.


Registered User
May 8, 2007
Maybe they can trade lundqvist at the deadline to a contender for a decent return and then resign him in the offseason? gives him a chance to go after the cup he probably won't see with the rangers and then gets to finish out his career in ny where he supposedly wants to be.

what kind of return could he get as a rental?

High And Wide*

The guy who took 2 penalties today, not the 2 guys who played well and scored goals today.


Registered User
May 30, 2013
I don't know how much AV truly loves Pyatt, but two incredibly stupid penalties that could've cost this team the game definitely put him on the **** list of any coach.

I say Pyatt is at least a scratch Monday.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2009
Despite the two penalties, Pyatt had 15:21 minutes of ice time which I believe was 6th most amongst forwards. I have a sinking suspicion he will not be scratched anytime soon.


Registered User
May 19, 2004
I voted they all stay, Pyatt should go first but AV seems to love that guy so I don't see it happening.


Very Stable Genius
Jan 29, 2009
Why are we dealing Pouliot? The team needs his skating ability. Maybe when Hagelin comes back it's a different story, but he has actually been a pretty relevant player so far.

Pyatt has been taking up space and sitting in the penalty box.


Registered User
May 24, 2008
If they had the same roster and were going into a playoff game......................I know I know :laugh:

Richards, Brassard, Callahan
Nash, Stepan, Kreider
Hagelin, Boyle, Dorsett
Pyatt, Moore Miller

I personally see Zuccarello, Pouliott as fillers due to injury. They are not 4th line options

With that said I imagine with everyone healthy in the regular season they send Miller and Fast and Mashinter down.

I think Pyatt stinks but AV likes him and on a 4th line he may be able to grind in the corners more which is basically all he does well.

also sure i'd like to replace Boyle but hes the best they go right now as a 3rd line C option. Rather have Richards on LW for offense


Registered User
May 24, 2008

Hagelin will be back Tuesday, so someone is going.

they will send Fast down when Hagelin is back

I don't blame Sather for signing Pyatt, Asham, Bickel but I do blame him for giving 2 yr deals. Atleast Pouliott, Moore got a 1 yr only , same with Zucc but he an RFA

Powe was dealt for Rupp so I forgive him a little cause Rupp makes more and is nothing more than a Mashinter and Haley . He is a good teammate though.
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yuck, no thanks. I just don't think he fits our team concept very well.

Go get me Evander Kane.

Besides, Byuf has way too high of a cap hit...and we gotta re-sign quite a few guys this coming offseason.

Id be interested in trading Dan Girardi.

Love the guy, he's a damn good defenseman, but you have to wonder how many more miles the guy has on his body.

I feel like you could get a stud prospect for him, or more.

I'd just wait till McIlrath is really ready.

Granted, our depth falls off the face of the planet after that.

id love Kane on this team.. he is a legit goal scorer with some nastiness to his game.. knocked out Matt Cooke also :yo: id love that propect Sutter also.. seems like a solid prospect from awesome bloodlines.. no way i want big Buff.. id only want Postma, Stuart or Trouba from their defense.. Enstrom isnt available and the rest are overrated or overpaid.. in NHL 14 i just traded Del Zotto and Boyle in a package for E.Kane LMAO


I don't know how much AV truly loves Pyatt, but two incredibly stupid penalties that could've cost this team the game definitely put him on the **** list of any coach.

I say Pyatt is at least a scratch Monday.

I doubt that. Pyatt is a big guy 230 lbs, adds size and does a few things well, in between some stupid ones.

This is his 14'th season in the NHL, then he earns some respect from coaches and GMs.

With the Canucks both AV and Pyatt had their first season in 2006. After 3 years Pyatt decided to leave the Canucks after a personal tragedy, AV helped him alot. Thats why those two have a special relationship.

I believe Pyatt remains on the roster, he becomes a UFA after this season. Yeah a lot of fans dont like him, but jeez...give the guy a break.
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