You dont give a f*** about the sport only dubas.
You don't even give a shit about the leafs
That's not true, of course. I love the Leafs and I love hockey, and I care about both infinitely more than any particular individual on the team.
As a Leaf fan, I obviously support things that are beneficial to the team, like Dubas, for as long as he continues to be beneficial. Not sure why that's so hard for some people to understand. And as a hockey fan, I obviously dislike and don't support things that are detrimental to it, like a broken entity having monopolized control over the sport I love, and a plague of apathy about it.
It hasn’t hurt the teams that are moving on or is it just directed at the teams that lose?
A broken league hurts everybody.
Well I guess we've graduated past expected wins to outright conspiracy theories about a centralized cabal plotting against Dubas' flawless vision.
Expected wins were never a thing, and there certainly aren't any "conspiracy theories about a centralized cabal plot against Dubas' flawless vision". Not sure where you got either.
I know you think you've found a winning deflection from the topic of our GM's (and President's and coach's) epic failure to build anything close to a championship caliber playoff team but we're not having it. I suggest starting another thread on the topic of the league's actual indifference to player safety and its inconsistent almost corrupt officiating. I think we're simpatico on that topic.
You're the one trying to deflect the topic to that incorrect assessment of the team and what's happened.
I was discussing exactly what you seem to agree with, so not sure what you're arguing against.
Well you ignore the fact that the core of the team Matthews, Marner, Nylander and Rielly were already on the team and had made the playoffs when Dubas took over.
No, none of that was ignored. I recommend reading the post again.