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Found this on Reddit, I screen capped it cuz twitter sucks now....
Talking the talk, let's see them walk the walk.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA .... Reaves is cute.... thinking this team gives a shit about their teammates...
Questions from the locker room
1) Two part question ... If I punch someone, will it affect my manicure? Second part ... How do I punch... someone?
2) I sense a micro aggression, I need a safe space...
3) It's in my contract that my skin will never touch another persons skin...
4) Uhh... classic example of Male Toxicity ... can't we just discuss how we feel about a situation, meditate and then both go to our corners?
5) Can't I just respond angrily through a harshly worded text? or publicly shame him on Facebook?
6) Is there an app for that?
7) After that Boston game my Dad said my balls have not dropped yet... should I see a Dr?
8) We should not judge Brad till we walk a mile in his itsy bitsy size 7 skates...
9) My wife said, I cant come back to bed until i find my manhood... I've been looking everywhere, cant find it...
10) ... Gosh so much talk about Lily, Lily, Lily this, Lilly that... it's not like he has a massive Twitter/X following... which is how we judge a persons value.. how many followers do you have... can we talk about ME for a few minutes, as we all know if you are under the age of 35 the world revolves around ME!!! ... JUST ME .... .. ME ME ME ME... Ahh ME ME ME ME...
Cant make a Zebra into a lion, they are who we think they are ...