OT - NO POLITICS We’ve entered the ‘ber’ months

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Jun 28, 2010
Dundas, Ontario
NeelyDan's Friday Five:

1. What time is bed time?
2. If you were in a band, would you want to be lead vocal, lead guitar, or drummer?
3. Have you had what you'd call a defining moment in your life to this point? If you're comfortable to do so, talk to us about it.
4. Do you like your birth name? Why or why not?
5. Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself?

1. I am on the EXACT same schedule/format as @Kate08 so....based on her short rib rigatoni and this alignment, I will be stealing her away from her new husband
2. I like the bravado and connection with the crowd of lead singer, and I'd imagine myself like Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip - a dynamic story teller in the context of music
3. I really don't think so yet. I'm confident it's approaching, though.
4. Dan at work, Dano with friends, Danny by family, and weirdly, when I went through a phase of dating only Portuguese women, they all insisted on Daniel, I think because it made me seem less cake? I dunno. Also, my older cousin is Dan as well, and I've always been a bit bitter my mom had to copy her sister, but eh.....I don't hate my name.
5. Redneck. Redneck to a lot of people means hillbilly. Around here, it is NOT the same as hillbilly. Redneck around here is a badge of honour - good men, generally hockey players, straight forward and honourable - think the Letterkenny 'hicks'.


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Sep 30, 2003
Newton, MA
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A week late.

A truck got wedged under a bridge in Brighton on Friday.


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 26, 2003
The Quiet Corner
That's what I did with my 3 shoulder surgeries. Never bothered to fill the Rx they gave me and just went with 800mg doses of Ibuprofen.

Wasn't about being tough, was about refusing opiates. I watched my close friend/roommate in college go from getting oxy prescribed for a sprained wrist to being dead from a heroin OD in just 18 months.
There is a history of substance abuse in my family (alcohol) so I've always been cautious about pain medication. As you say, it isn't about being tough it's about knowing what can happen.


the only language I speak is FAILURE
Apr 30, 2021
The 5 Stages of Middlesex County Road Construction:

1) Start project
2) Create a shit load of detours
3) Create detours FOR the detours
4) Don't finish the work
5) GOTO 2


the only language I speak is FAILURE
Apr 30, 2021
You can insert any location and this would be true of all of them!!!
I was told by a PA resident that they are like 12 years behind schedule on their interstate projects LMAO
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HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 26, 2003
The Quiet Corner

1. Usually around 9:30
2. If I had any musical talent, lead guitar
3. Defining moment- the loss of my parents. I was very close to them, too close perhaps & losing them was/is devastating
4. I don't hate it but not fond of it either. On my mother's side the firstborn girl is named either Elizabeth or a variant. Except for my mother for some reason she got a different name.
5. I strongly identify with my English heritage. Mom was the child of English immigrants & she was very English in many of her ways of which I have inherited many.
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Salt and light
Feb 2, 2022
Land of Nod in the East of Eden
NeelyDan: 11 but I rarely fall asleep
2. I have no musical talent, but lead vocals or front man.
3. Defining moments: baptism as an adult, parent's deaths, tumor/cancer surgery.
4. I like my name. It is solid and simple: Scott. Besides, if I had been a girl, it was Laurel, which I hate.
5. I am a Jewish, Polish/Russian Scottish mixture. (I am named after my Scottish paternal grandmother.)I try and take the best from each ethnicity. I believe in many stereotypes having a basis in truth, and believe this mixture makes me a bit stubborn......Right, HF Boards?
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Registered User
Feb 15, 2010
1.) Bedtime --> Way too late...often after midnight
2.) I play the bass, and would not want to switch to another instrument...but I definitely cannot play and sing lead at the same time. No idea how Sting does it so well...
3.) Realizing while we were dating that my wife was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Married for 26 years!
4.) I don't dislike my birth name, but I have a last name which lends itself to a nickname so that is what I have gone by.
5.) Asian...I am a mix of a number of different ethnicities but more Japanese than anything else, and I love the food, the culture and seeing family in Japan.


Queen in the North
Mar 30, 2010
NeelyDan's Friday Five:

1. What time is bed time?
2. If you were in a band, would you want to be lead vocal, lead guitar, or drummer?
3. Have you had what you'd call a defining moment in your life to this point? If you're comfortable to do so, talk to us about it.
4. Do you like your birth name? Why or why not?
5. Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself?

1. I have insomnia so...bedtime is whenever my body allows me to sleep. This week is been 4-5am. Sometimes it's 3am. Depends on my stress level.
2. Vocals or Drumming!
3. :laugh::help: but yes. I've had a few. The most recent one being almost 2 years ago. Changed my entire perspective. Mentality. Lifestyle I guess.
4. I do! I used to hate it I guess. Growing up people just always referred to my nickname or last name. Nobody really used my govt name. But as I gotten older, made hew friends, etc people use it and I enjoy it. It's French. It's a nod to my late grandmother. And I really enjoy. Plus, she was the one who gave me my nickname too. So it's all full circle.
5. Belgian. Without a doubt. While I feel connected to the other ones at various times, my Belgian side is the one I connect to the most. I am also Italian, German, Portuguese, and a few other things. But Belgian, Italian German, and Portuguese are the big 4. My dads family will say I look like them (Italian), and while there are definitely things I got from his side, I feel like I also look like my moms side too. I feel more connected to that side. It's definitely a thing that I've dealt with trying to figure out who I resemble. My two sisters have blonde hair blue eyes. And my brother and I have brown hair hazel eyes. Some say we look like twins...so that's always fun..to resemble your older brother lol.
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Registered User
May 16, 2005
NeelyDan's Friday Five:

1. What time is bed time? I usually go to bed around midnight. any earlier and Im up at 3am.
2. If you were in a band, would you want to be lead vocal, lead guitar, or drummer?guitar. no skill and neve rplayed it, but always dreamed about bashing out solos in front of a crowd.
3. Have you had what you'd call a defining moment in your life to this point? If you're comfortable to do so, talk to us about it.first child was probably it. bringing her home from the hospital was something else.
4. Do you like your birth name? Why or why not? i do. nice one syllable name
5. Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself? I am lithuanian, italian, french canadian and indian. lol. def lithuanian. Im tall and have the dark hair and light eyes.


Easier from up here
Dec 19, 2016
A thousand miles from nowhere


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Feb 11, 2007
A coworker found out I crochet and asked if I would make her two doilies to give as gifts. I hadn't made any in a while, it was kind of fun to get back into it.

I hate blocking them though lol. (Stretching and pinning them so they stay flat.)

View attachment 741665
I use to help my mom and nana startch them. This is pretty!
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Dr Hook

It’s Called Ruins
Mar 9, 2005
Tyler, TX
Made me think of this I saw prior:

There is a bridge in a city nearby to me (Longview if any of you know it) that has a bridge that trucks hit all the time. Once or twice, okay, but you would think after years of this going on everyone would know about it, or the city would have done something lol


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 26, 2005
Norman, OK
1. What time is bed time? I'm in bed around 8 but I don't fall asleep until 10:30-11 on a good night.

2. If you were in a band, would you want to be lead vocal, lead guitar, or drummer? Drummer so I can just release anything that is pent up. You do not want to hear me sing unless you love the sound of vocal fry.

3. Have you had what you'd call a defining moment in your life to this point? If you're comfortable to do so, talk to us about it. I've had a number of them but losing my dad 7 years ago (8 this year) and then going through it at work (layoffs, offshoring my job and training my replacement) really forced me to actually deal with and understand my mental health. Perspective is one hell of a drug.

4. Do you like your birth name? Why or why not? Yes. I'm named after my maternal grandmother. It does drive me crazy when people call me by my full name as it always sounds like I'm in trouble lol. To some, especially here, I am Ali. I'm Auntie Ali to my niece. To everyone else I'm Alison.

5. Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself? I am Irish on my dad's side and French/French Canadian and English on my mom's. My last name is Irish and when asked, I tell people I am Irish and French Canadian. When asked where in Ireland I say Gallway and Sligo and on my mom's side I say they came from France and settled in and around Quebec City.


Registered User
Feb 11, 2007
NeelyDan's Friday Five:

1. What time is bed time?
-Usually 10:30-11. But lately it's been anywhere between 10pm and 2am.

2. If you were in a band, would you want to be lead vocal, lead guitar, or drummer?
-Oh I'm the lead singer, for sure.

3. Have you had what you'd call a defining moment in your life to this point? If you're comfortable to do so, talk to us about it.
-Twice: realizing in 2013 I was in a 14 year abusive marriage and that I needed to get out (and did and it was scary as a mf). and 2) Moving 2100 miles from the only place I'd lived and realizing my family dynamic had kept me small and in absolute poverty thinking and living. So I started my own business to help people who also have painful past learning. You never realize what you're masking until someone finally shows you what it's like to be treated in authentic love and kindness (@Glove Malfunction @myself)

4. Do you like your birth name? Why or why not?
-A name is a name. and besides, it means "Moongoddess".

5. Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself?
-My entire family tree is Nova Scotian. Pretty sure I check all the boxes. :)
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Aug 5, 2017
NeelyDan's Friday Five:

1. What time is bed time?
2. If you were in a band, would you want to be lead vocal, lead guitar, or drummer?
3. Have you had what you'd call a defining moment in your life to this point? If you're comfortable to do so, talk to us about it.
4. Do you like your birth name? Why or why not?
5. Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself?

1. About 12:30 on average, depending on the day it may take me a while to fall asleep. I wake up around 7:45-8:15 so I still get about 7 hours most days. I'm a night owl by nature. If I had no regular work schedule or time commitments, left to my own devices I'd probably go to sleep at 2 and wake up at 10 (back in grad school when I had night classes this was pretty much my routine.)

2. Bass. When I was 14, I bought a guitar like a lot of 14 year old boys do, fiddled with it for a couple months, took a couple lessons, but didn't take to it. Now that I'm an adult, I kind of want to learn the bass instead, but I don't really have the time or an actual reason to do it (it'd just be for fun, I'm not going to perform or anything). I did play saxophone in the high school band and jazz band, got pretty good at jazz.

3. Not really. There have been big moments, graduations, career changes, moves, etc., but I tend to take things in stride and not dote on everything. But while we're here I'll just throw out June 15th, 2011.

4. Yeah, I'm good with it. Never had any reason to dislike it. My first name is not uncommon enough to be weird but not so so common that there were always 6 of us in the same classroom. The only slight annoyance is that (if you shorten my first name to a common nickname thereof) I do have the same name as a celebrity so sometimes when I introduce myself I'll get the "like the guy from that show" and have to be all yeah, yeah...

5. If we're counting religious identity then I'd say I find most group identity in being a Tradcath. Ethnically I'm mostly German but we never really emphasized it, I guess it influenced my mom's cooking a little as she'd made breaded pork chops, egg noodles, and green beans that I realize are derivative of Schnitzel , but compared to the other kids in school who wore their heritage on their sleeve and basically shouted at you that they were Irish or Italian or whatever, we never really did anything like that. But I realize that that goes back to my grandfather who was born to immigrants and spoke German as a first language until he was 6, but for obvious reasons chose to keep that quiet during and after the war and just try to blend in and not stand out.


HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 1, 2016
Chicago, IL
NeelyDan's Friday Five:

1. What time is bed time?
2. If you were in a band, would you want to be lead vocal, lead guitar, or drummer?
3. Have you had what you'd call a defining moment in your life to this point? If you're comfortable to do so, talk to us about it.
4. Do you like your birth name? Why or why not?
5. Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself?
1. I'm a night owl. Usually around 11:30.
2. Rhythm Guitar. Power chords for me. I don't need the spotlight.
3. When my 4yr old daughter was airlifted to the hospital with double pneumonia and a collapsed lung. That'll snap shit into perspective real quick. I made a bargain with the Man Upstairs when that happened and I'm doing my best to hold up my end of the deal. She's 23 now and doing fine
4. I like my name just fine....its Dean. Rocco was my callsign in the Navy and my wife still calls me that when she wants to get my attention.
5. 100% German ancestry. English was a second language in my family up until my generation. That said, I consider myself American. Not German-American, or anything-American. Just American.
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Glove Malfunction

Ference is my binky
Jan 1, 2009
Pleasantly warm, AZ
3. I think I've had a series of defining moments that have defined pieces or phases of my life. Most recently, I finally sat down with my father and told him that I have never felt comfortable around his "new" family (that he's been a part of since I was 2), that I'm not going to pretend otherwise to keep the peace anymore, and I'm putting myself and my emotional wellbeing first. That if he wants a relationship, it's going to be 1:1 but I'm done trying to be a square peg in a round hole.
Setting boundaries with family can be really really hard, primarily because of societal pressures to "make it work" because they are family. @Kovi and I have had a lot of conversations about this very topic.

But toxic familial relationships are still toxic, and should be treated as such. Kudos to you for setting that boundary in what is undoubtedly a tough situation.
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