How's the Beatles thing on Disney? anyone watch it yet
Amother new one from Wet Leg - this album is getting to f***ing rule
I recently discovered that the first two B-52 albums from the last 70's are early new wave gems. Picked this up on vinyl for $4 over the weekend and listening now. Its good shit if youre into stuff like Talking Heads, Devo, etc.
Probably my fave song from them...
I also realised the other day that one of my friends looks very similar (not stylistically, just facial structure etc) to Siouxsie and now I cant unsee it.
Now that's going after a giant.
You're correct. I suspect we'll be yelled at for this one. This must be how Striiker feels.
Hold on... neither of you two like The Wall?
@Captain Dave Poulin
I'm not sure how long winded of a rant this needs to be.
I don't need to hear any more attempts to convince me - I heard about a billion of them 40 years ago. Thanks anyway.
A billion and one... here we gooooooooooooooo
Just kidding.
That aside... there's a lot of really good music out there being made but lots of it just doesn't hit the radio now. Technology was a bain to music, being able to digitize it really knocked the quality a lot. Now everything is auto tune this, his rhythm sucks so we can just manipulate that, repeat 3 chords over to some ridiculously badly written lyrics that'll be so repetitive it'll catch on.
You don't go from writing prog rock to writing garbage like George Strait's music. (well he didn't write most of it but that's another story)
Makes me wonder what Frank Zappa would think now.
Yeah, we can agree that country music is not just terrible shit garbage, but actively making people even stupider than they already were.
Now that's going after a giant.
You're correct. I suspect we'll be yelled at for this one. This must be how Striiker feels.
Co-sign on a big fat yawn for The Wall. In addition to never really having had a Beatles phase, I've never ever had a Pink Floyd phase, although Wish You Were Here is undoubtedly a great song.
I have a complicated relationship with U2. New Year's Day, for example, is a song I've loved since I was a wee lad. Ditto Sunday Bloody Sunday. Meanwhile, I hated the Joshua Tree because I found it unbearably pretentious before I even knew what the word pretentious meant.
There's almost always one tune I can't help but love off of their later albums but there are others I absolutely loathe. Acrobat off of Achtung Baby? An unheralded gem that's the highlight of the album for me. That cringey paean to Joey Ramone of off that bizarre record they downloaded for everyone? Woof.
"Acrobat" is one of my faves off "Achtung," too. I would bet you anything that whether you remember it or not, you saw a video/videos from "Joshua Tree" as you were hearing the songs for the first time, and that's why you found it pretentious. It makes sense if you got that from the videos for "Still Haven't Found" or even "With or Without You" - less so just based off the songs themselves.
I distinctly remember hating the videos for Still Haven't Found and Where the Streets Have No Name, so there's likely some truth here. I can't hate With or Without You, even with the pretentious video.