Smash I'll give you for sure, but MK was essentially a straight port and while the rest are varying levels of good-to-great, they're lower on the totem pole in terms of what you'd expect from AAA. I mean it took forever to release Bayo and Metroid Prime 4's first and last appearance was 5 years ago now, which is just crazy for a flagship franchise (I know Dread came out which was awesome, but it felt like something smaller scale just to satiate the wait). I think the Switch has sort of blossomed into an indie haven, which is great. There needs to be a place like that in the mainstream. I just wish they had the same level of consistency as the PS 1st party studios in terms of AAA. But hey, that's not really their business model anymore and that's ok.
There's a great website called Digital Foundry that does an impeccable job at analyzing all of the technical aspects and performance of certain games on certain hardware. I usually go there to decide which version to pick and it almost always ends up on the side of the PS5 for me, with minimal resolution and FPS differences. The SSD really is a gamechanger if the developer decides to take advantage of it. But yeah, again, personal preference.
And I mean different people prefer different games obviously, but the PS5 had what you could easily argue to be the best launch lineup in their history. There were games in that lineup that you usually wouldn't expect for at least a year or two into a console's life cycle and it's only gotten better from there. I find it hard to believe anyone could be disappointed in the offerings of this gen so far. Lots of cross-gen to deal with still, but why wouldn't you want to play the best versions of those games anyway?