Yeah, this is my first time listening regularly since MB was hired. I put it on for s’s and g’s and heard the Toffoli trade get broken live so it’s turned me into some fiend thinking something exciting is about to be announced. Lol.
Otherwise it’s exactly as I remember it 10 years ago. I know it will pass, I’ll tune out soon, but as someone who’s life revolves around music, Melnick angers up my blood when I hear him pretending he knows everything about music when you can tell he googled whomever during the commercial break. If he had humility about it, like, “I only know a few songs and enjoyed them”, or said, “I don’t know everything about said artist, but…”, instead of trying to be some alpha dog know it all music guy. Plus, he doesn’t have a hip/cool bone in his body but seems to think he is.
Okay rant over, I swear.