Training Camp Thread - First round of Cuts Made (10 players)

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Registered User
Jul 12, 2009
What's with the excuses for Bozak. The shorten season counts all the same. Does this past season not count for Bozak cause he only played 58 games? Any time something goes in Kadri's favour, you come up with excuses. Ya it took the 74 game for Kadri to hit 50 points. Still something Bozak has never achieved. Bozak is the new Matt Stajan.

This is always ignored. People say oh Kadri's top 3 linemates last year were Lupul, Raymond, Kessel, while ignoring the fact he played with a lot of other players. He didn't have the same luxury as Bozak who played majority of the time with JVR and Kessel.

I would 100% of time


Registered User
Sep 7, 2012
Skövde, Sweden
Bodie is a underrated commodity. I was very impressed with his mobility.

JVR-Kadri-Frattin has me intrigued, two bulls around Kadri could make for an exciting line.

I've been talking about this for quite some time. Ideally I'd want two physical two-way players to flank Kadri. I think he is at the best when surrounded by intensity and physicality, rather than plain skill. Give him room and the opportunity to play his "in your face"-hockey.


I am a bot
Jun 24, 2012
Paul Hendrick ‏@HennyTweets 37m
Brandon Kozun beats Cal Heeter to give Team White a 1-0 lead.
Leo Komarov frustrating Brendan Mikkelson too. #TMLtalk

Paul Hendrick ‏@HennyTweets 10m
Tyler Biggs scores. Cal Heeter beaten. 2-0 White in the 2nd. #TMLtalk


I am a bot
Jun 24, 2012
Lance Hornby ‏@sunhornby 1m
Eric Knodel went to the dressing room after Ryan Rupert shoved him off balance into boards. Noggin or jaw rattled.


Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.
Aug 30, 2011
Undisclosed research facility
Phaneuf making a case why he shouldn't be captain at blue vs white game.

**Mods please don't merge this with the other thread. That thread was discussing him last year, and this thread is about this year**

So at the Blue vs White game yesterday while everyone was talking about how bad Reimer was (allowed 4 goals), I had a different view. I don't think Reimer had a bad game at all. All but 1 goal were on the fault of the Defense in front of him, and guess who that was.

Dion was a -4. There were tip ins in front of the net, one timers leaving Reimer with a wide open guy, etc. However, this is where even I, a known Phaneuf supporter, was disgusted.

All night, Phaneuf was chirping at his team mates. Even when it was clearly his fault. Eventually, his temper boiled over and this happened @ 7min mark

Polak is in a standard defensive position pushing Phaneuf to the outside as he came up the middle. However, Phaneuf makes no attempt at all to deke him out, or even go for the net. He winds up, and slaps it directly at Polak clearly frustrated.

Polak wasn't very happy, and his reaction showed it. Him and Phaneuf started yapping at each other as they went to the benches.

I am a Phaneuf supporter, however he showed why he should be captain. He is prone to bad plays, and is a terrible team mate and Captain when the team needs a guy to pick them up. Instead, he chooses to blame them all and take out his frustration on them.


Jun 12, 2010
It's a scrimmage for petes sake.

Granberg was pissing Lupul off.

Komarov was pissing off Mickellson today.

It happens.


**Mods please don't merge this with the other thread. That thread was discussing him last year, and this thread is about this year**

So at the Blue vs White game yesterday while everyone was talking about how bad Reimer was (allowed 4 goals), I had a different view. I don't think Reimer had a bad game at all. All but 1 goal were on the fault of the Defense in front of him, and guess who that was.

Dion was a -4. There were tip ins in front of the net, one timers leaving Reimer with a wide open guy, etc. However, this is where even I, a known Phaneuf supporter, was disgusted.

All night, Phaneuf was chirping at his team mates. Even when it was clearly his fault. Eventually, his temper boiled over and this happened @ 7min mark

Polak is in a standard defensive position pushing Phaneuf to the outside as he came up the middle. However, Phaneuf makes no attempt at all to deke him out, or even go for the net. He winds up, and slaps it directly at Polak clearly frustrated.

Polak wasn't very happy, and his reaction showed it. Him and Phaneuf started yapping at each other as they went to the benches.

I am a Phaneuf supporter, however he showed why he should be captain. He is prone to bad plays, and is a terrible team mate and Captain when the team needs a guy to pick them up. Instead, he chooses to blame them all and take out his frustration on them.

I agree one scrimmage game is a great way to tell that Dion is a bad captain:sarcasm:
Looks like the hate fest has started!


Registered User
Jun 17, 2009
Paul Hendrick ‏@HennyTweets · 1m
Biggs gets an empty-netter. Make the final 3-0 White....avenging yesterday's 4-0 loss to Blue. Bibeau has yet to give up a goal in 2 days.

Lance Hornby ‏@sunhornby · 3m
3-0 Whites final on a Tyler Biggs ENG. Knodel came back after knock on noodle.

Matt Brown ‏@mbrownSN590 · 6m
#Leafs know Connor Brown can score with 128 points in the O, but one scout said his compete level has been the best of everyone's today.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2004
The flack that Phaneuf gets around here is nuts...*****ing about his play after a scrimmage game of all things. Bibeau had back to back shut out performances including the rookie tournament and the scrimmage, guess he should be starter eh?:sarcasm:


I am a bot
Jun 24, 2012
Paul Hendrick ‏@HennyTweets 6m
Biggs gets an empty-netter. Make the final 3-0 White....avenging yesterday's 4-0 loss to Blue. Bibeau has yet to give up a goal in 2 days.

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
actually the All Encompassing Dion Phaneuf thread is talking about Dion period. :laugh:


JVR wasnt good either
I think he should be traded.
People can say your fans of Dion, but if your complaining about a scrimmage, than I refuse to believe you are.
BTW Franson is good at giving a goal per game because of stupidity

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
Bibs is making a case why he should be going to the E instead of back to the Q.


Cherry-Coloured Funk
Jul 31, 2011
Normally I don't mind the Phaneuf bashing but you can't really tell too much from that video. Except that Orr wants a spot in the top-6.


Registered User
Dec 11, 2010
East York
I personally would like to see 3 top lines. Have Kessel, JVR and Lupul all paired with their own C. For example, have a fast, skilled "third line" of Lupul Kontiola Booth.

Bozak Kessel
Kadri JVR
Kontiola Lupul


Don't poke the bear!
Sep 16, 2007
Cambridge, ON
Matt Brown ‏@mbrownSN590 · 6m
#Leafs know Connor Brown can score with 128 points in the O, but one scout said his compete level has been the best of everyone's today.

This should surprised absolutely no one. Brown's compete level has been the best on every team he has stepped into, it's the reason why he continues to prove people wrong. Hope he keeps it up!

Warden of the North

Ned Stark's head
Apr 28, 2006
Re: Dion.

Its a scrimmage game and you can't tell whats going on. I really dont see anything in that video that looks bad at all.

Re: todays game

Glad to see Biggs have a good game


Help is on the way.
Jul 31, 2010
NHL player factory
This was mentioned in the all training camp thread, but I agree with the OP.....not something any player should do at camp.....taking a slap shot at a player is a joke and for it to be the captain makes it a huge concern.

Dion struggling is nothing new, he had a hard time playing the Left side as he did in the shorten season. He may start on the left side but will finish on the right is my guess. His skating issues are worse when he has to protect the outside on his weak side, the left...the only plus is that his stick is in his strong hand. Pivots to his left are the weakest part of his skating and will be seen more playing on the left.


Wow whatta goal by Frattin. I really like the JVR, Naz, Fratts line. They would be very hard to play against.
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