The name on the FRONT of the jersey is alot damn more important than the name on the back of it..
it would suck, but I'm a Ranger fan through and through, not just because of the players we have.
People here want to complain about everything and anything and here it is the rangers built a culture of outworking every team and winning games and within 5 years every single one of them is gone.
Hank is hank, but he isn't a skater. He can't set the tone those guys do. Mac just gets it, he plays that way naturally. But those three and dubi, they knew what it was all about when it started building. It was about looking every single opponent right in the eye, and going toe for toe to them and out willing them to win battles, then goals, then games, series, and then divisions. They learnt it starts at the smallest level, the smallest battle, and that every situation is another one and you play to win every single battle. The belief those guys have deep down is what has allowed them all to grow into the players they did. It's want enabled Prust to become what he did, Boyle to become a valuable player, Dubi to play like a beast when he was locked in, Hags to turn himself into a puck possession/retrieval hog, Stepan to let his god given abilities shine when he does it. etc etc etc.
And it starts with those guys.
And within 5 years, crap less then 2 years, they are all gone?
I have a connection to this group. I had a connection to the 90s core. I watched here and there, probably more then that, but I had no connection to them in 00-05. I paid close attention to the rebuild process, and enjoyed watching jagr play and hanks emergence.
But in 07 I started working in brooklyn/manhattan and heading home via Penn. And it just started one night, I was about to head down the stairs into penn and somebody said 20 buck 20 bucks ranger tickets. And I was like ok, went in took a sit in the lower bowl and been doing it ever since. during that period I was working in the city, I went to a lot of games, I saw those guys grow up close man. And then I started doing something different for work, and I ended up going on the road a lot of seeing them play on the road, see them during the the holidays at home. I've been at some of the most intense playoff games this team has since 97'. And I've turned 30, at this point soon to be 31. My next move is gonna be down south to buy some land and farm it, my life is growing away from it, as well as being priced out of going to games. And if this group that I have such a close connection with is gone, I'll follow to a certain extent, so I can chat with my dad and see how the guys are doing.
But it'll be like what its like when you try getting back together with a girl you don't have much in common with anymore. Feels old, or you view it differently.
Ill always know what could of been and how quickly it was torn up.