League revenue was $5.09 Billion in 2018/19, of which approx $530 mil is TV contracts, $3.75 Billion in gate receipts, and game day related merchandise/food/beer etc... and the ($810 mil) balance in Merchandise and licensing...
I don't care how you choose to discount that for this year, but even if you just decided to keep revenues flat, but for 48 regular season games, instead of 82, and regular playoff (on average 86) games... then you end up reducing the revenue... If 48 games + playoffs, you have 830 games total, when normally you have 1357 games per year.... This assumes completely full stadiums, and normal merchandise sales.
This drops revenue to $2.29 billion at the gate etc....
This results in league revenue of $3.63 Billion, which takes us back to 2013/14 numbers, when the salary cap was $64.3 million. Now... this is under the assumption that arenas are full. If they aren't... discount that further, and probably by quite a bit.
If we are near the end of the season, few fans in some arenas, none in others... Covid is still prevalent... well, the salary structure might just end up taking a hit for a bit.
Giving raises to many guys, including Hyman, is going to be very difficult next season. He deserves more, but how do you make that work? It's basically move out Kerfoot, and hope to replace him, and keep the Hyman + Kerfoot salary static. No other UFA/RFA getting a raise... it's going to get difficult at some point, or we change the way things are done, and do a massive salary rollback.