Jaromir Jagr
Registered User
At the end of the day, this is just like any other job.
You show up late, you're reprimanded
You fail your deadlines, you're reprimanded
You don't carry out your assignments, you're reprimanded
What's also like any other job, is that the manager (head coach) just likes certain employees more than others and will never be 100% objective when judging them.
Agreed. But I think because of the prestige, public scrutiny or perhaps income levels that people completely forget about this. Our (I'd say global but even more so American) society in general completely mischaracterizes celebrities, no matter how big or small, as something more then (or perhaps less then) human. We think they exist in a different world and in some ways, this is true, but they still have much of the same, daily, bullshit as any of us.
It's kind of similar to the way we talk about injuries with these players. We treat them like machines rather than humans when many of the injuries they deal with would be life altering or even life shattering for many of us ordinary people.
Hockey players, they're just like us, they too can be late to things and get a spank on the butt from their boss.