NeelyDan eats corn the long way
Hahahaha, what a trash f***ing franchise.
After Panarin jumped on his back like some coked-up muppet.
There's a difference between not liking teams and recognizing gross stuff like this. It's just a game, these are just people. Seeing anyone trying to injure other players is not welcome.I’m just seeing this and I absolutely do not like the rangers but this is f***ed up!!
I remember it very well when we had to play against Ulf or Kasparitis or Clarke or Downie or Cooke, and the list goes on. Yeah it sucks. But the hyperbole about Wilson is just silly.Save it. Presume for one second your team was FACING Wilson. Would you be saying that then? My guess: HELL NO.
Wilson could literally almost kill a guy and people like Eroscaps or whatever would call us all p***yes cause he didn't actually kill anyone, and then say no other player would even get a penalty for it.Caps fans are wild, how do you defend this guy lmao
He could straight up pull a Todd Bertuzzi and some posters would still defend his ass. Clowns.
f*** the capitals social media team too. Holy shit this is f***ing disgusting. I hope someone loses their jobs.
I agree. Shoulder is weaker than the head.Touche. This makes it look even worse.
I get that it's HFBoards but I wouldn't put it that way if I hadn't. I've hit friends harder than that. That's, like, not even as hard as the "open fist" punching we'd do as knuckleheads in high school to beat each other up without breaking any ribs. In fact, since I'm mentioning it, I'd be pretty surprised if he hit him with a closed fist too, not that it matters much with hockey gloves on.Dude just give it up. It's you against the world. No one (outside a few Caps fans) sees what you're seeing. You don't get to set the rules for punching or being punched. Have you received or given one?
Thats really not a vicious punch and shouldn't even be mentioned. The slam is where he went overboard.
Wilson is a shit stain on the caps franchise
Said the guy with "yellow" uniformWilson is a shit stain on the caps franchise
A guy who is pinned to the ice, head on the ice, and gets punched in the back of the head is f***ing gross, vicious punch or not. Shits f***ing dangerous and has no place in the game. Two guys throwing fists sure? Guy down defenseless on the ice getting punched in the back of the head? Don't care who is doing it to who, thats f***ed.That's really not a vicious punch and shouldn't even be mentioned. The slam is where he went overboard.