this is what pisses me off most about HF Boards. You guys have to try and discredit every single media pundit who shares their opinion. It’s criticism, they make some good points. Give it a rest. Who are you to say anything? These guys have played in the NHL, I think it’s the STUPIDEST line, “you can’t trust them”, I’m sorry how many seasons in the NHL have you played? These guys have played the game (at least kipper has in this case) so their insight is valuable they are able to pick up on things about players that we cannot simply because they have actually been on the ice in that position or up against players in those positions.
You don’t agree with it, fine but Jesus Christ, y’all don’t need to try and call every media person an idiot. They have played the game at the highest level, you have not. I do agree sometimes they focus on the negatives a lot more often than positives and they should praise players a lot more. But it’s how sports work we talk about things more when they are going wrong or when players make mistakes.