I would love to visit St. Petersburg and the northern portion of Karelia...as well as Finland.
But with the political climate, it seems like bad timing?
I don't worry much about other fishermen, we all seem to have an understanding that seems to transcend geo-political issues...but I do fear an overall anti-American sentiment in the cities and just in general.
Politics have never stopped me from traveling to Mexico, Cuba, Honduras or Guatemala to fish but I never have traveled to a place that was in an active war.
Am… russians are very friendly. Of course you theoretically can meet bad person, but it’s not like you can’t do it in philly or LA or San Francisco. And the amount of this bad person is lower, they are not building cities and don’t capture a blocks. Some people are very anti russians in everything that happening, some are just regular and some are pro, but if you will not saying something against, they will be friendly or just busy to interact. I would say most of people are friendly with people who are friendly with them.
It’s a question of how make documents now. I dont think it’s easy now. And you should understand that sometimes airports can be close because of potential act of terror. It’s really not a time to travel if I like to live here, I admit that people who are investing time, money, they may find themselves in an unpleasant or potentially dangerous situation. I understand that war make a lot of money and it’s not like sides wanna stop this in the near future. But I hope prolongation of the situation on all sides will aggravate the economic problems of all parties, which will negatively affect support, and the lack of support should automatically create a vacuum for people who want to receive this support. That will push the countries to search for compromises and negotiations. Which still happens in the end.
But you should not worry about “anti American sentiment” especially in St Petersburg and Moscow.