Ugh, I was holding out hope that this wasn't the case. Jonesy is a pretty sarcastic and jokey person so while I didn't hear him but I will hope that he was just goofing, even if he sounded serious. Based upon the recent hires though...not looking good.
That being said, simply because someone who is a friend gets hired doesn't mean it is a per se bad move. I don't care if they hire friends as long as they are good at what they do, plenty of examples in every industry where someone gets a job because of their connections (not what you know but who) and does a great job. I'm willing to give this new regime a chance but not a big chance. I also don't care if these guys are just given figurehead type positions where they aren't really involved. The problem is when they suck AND they are intimately involved like the last brain trust. Let's see where this goes...