Guh, my nephew turns 6 next month. Fighting the urge to drop some coin on some G1 toys to give* to him.
*in no way am I implying I'm getting them so I can play with them too (whistles)
Dinobot Combiner : Extinction
Grimlock, Slag, Sludge, Swoop and Snarl, all combining into one massive behemoth called Extinction.
I've still got Skywarp, though he's in awful condition and missing a couple parts. Only Seeker I ever had new, though. Had Thundercracker after my friend lost interest in Transformers, but he was already missing a couple parts. Don't have him anymore, and I'm not going to admit how I came to no longer be in possession of 95% of my Transformers collection![]()
Oh my god.. All in there G1 looks? That's a Christmas present for my son and myself.
I also like that Bruticus set, that would be a great gift.
Oh my god.. All in there G1 looks? That's a Christmas present for my son and myself.
I also like that Bruticus set, that would be a great gift.
It's not real. Well, it really is a figure, but it's something someone made/modded off of other figures. It's not something made by Hasbro/Takara for sale.
Points for making some nice repainted, articulated Dinobots, but I'm not sure I'm in love with the combine form. That's a lot of mass to have gotten from Grimlock for the torso and the arms, so it makes me think there were giant add-on pieces required to flesh him out a bit. Also Swoop and Sludge on the arms look tacked on rather than integrated into the transformation. They're just like giant dino-mode shoulderpads. EDIT: Now that I look at other pics in that link, the legs have hte same issue. Snarl and Slag are shinpads, attached to the front of what look like independent leg pieces as a skeleton. Obviously huge props for just getting that far since it's a fan-mod, but it would've been mind-blowing impressive if he had actually turned the other dinobots into functional limbs instead of making them coverplates and detail work overtop of a set of skeleton pieces attached to the Grimlock torso.
the issue with people making dinobot combiners really does seem to be Swoop. He just doesn't have enough "meat" to make a convincing limb, especially when you have to balance him out with the much bulkier, chunkier Sludge (since Slag and Snarl are fairly similar and would be more valuable as legs in that regard)
Yeah, looked at that link closer after I posted and realized it was not an official project. I could care less about a dinobot combiner and your above points are well stated.
Oh well, how about the Predacons!?!
Was always a big fan of the later gestalts! Predaking is quite cool, has there ever been a well done Terracons or Technobots set? I think the Dinobots would whoop Predaking, but it was mostly only Grimlock around in the 3rd season if memory serves
Computron was prob the worst Combiner.
Devastateor was always the best. Followed by Bruticus
I had all of them at one point....*sigh* still have Ravage, Laserbeak, Rumble and Frenzy in various states of disrepair. The Autobot cassettes I had are long gone. Never had Blaster anyway.I was also a fan of Slugfest, Soundwave's Stegosaurus cassette.
What's that? Soundwave never had a Stegosaurus cassette? Actually he had 2 dinosaur cassettes. They appeared once, in one episode, for all of about 2 seconds. And did absolutely nothing before never been seen again.
*sigh* They're so rare that even the reissue pack of cassetticons sells for $80+. I have a reissue Soundwave on my desk, but it just came with Ravage and Lazerbeak. Not even Rumble. Or Frenzy. I forget which one is which for what toyline. You know, the purple one.![]()
TF: Prime even managed to accomplish something that no other Transformers incarnation ever has: it made me care about the human characters. It did take a while, though. Through much of the first season, the only one I could tolerate was Jack. Somewhere along the line, though, the Miko/Bulkhead relationship really began to work for me, and when they said their good-bye at the end of the series, I actually choked up. I can't point to when that relationship turned the corner for me; maybe the episode where they were trapped in a collapsed mine together.A lot of people hate the somewhat Bay-movie type designs on some of the characters, but it's got gorgeous animation and a top-notch voice cast (Cullen and Welker return to voice Optimus and Megatron for the first time together since G1. noted sci-fi actor Jeffrey Combes plays Ratchet, big time voice actor Steve Blum (the Toonami guy, and almost every anime series in the last 20 years) does a very different, but very nice Starscream, Adam Baldwin and Gina Torres from Firefly are a pair of Decepticons, etc.) and there are some really good episodes.
CrowningMomentOfAwesomeIt's also got a great bit in the final episode. Bumblebee, who like in the movies, had his vocal processor torn out by Megatron during the war and can't talk, is shot and falls into a giant swirly energy mass that's basically a weaponized version of the creation energy that made Cybertron. And then, well....
Computron was prob the worst Combiner.
Devastateor was always the best. Followed by Bruticus
TF: Prime even managed to accomplish something that no other Transformers incarnation ever has: it made me care about the human characters. It did take a while, though. Through much of the first season, the only one I could tolerate was Jack. Somewhere along the line, though, the Miko/Bulkhead relationship really began to work for me, and when they said their good-bye at the end of the series, I actually choked up. I can't point to when that relationship turned the corner for me; maybe the episode where they were trapped in a collapsed mine together.
I liked Computron. The individual robots that he was made up of were pretty cool looking and had sweet alternate forms.
Loved Bruticus! Great looking combiner, nice and clean looking. I loved Swindle. He was one of my all time fav Decpticons. He had a couple of individual story lines.
I love this thread!
EDIT: BTW, maybe we should adjust the thread title? It's kind of become an all-purpose Transformers discussion. Though on the other hand, the anniversary angle might get more people interested if they know there's G1 discussion and it's not all about the bayformers movies.
I think this is a great idea, I like talking about the Transformers!
How do we go about changing it?
Do we ask a mod?
The Gestalts were my favourite part of Transformers. My older cousins, who were huge TF fans themselves, got me Superion and Bruticus. It was a weird combination of the Generation 1 figures and Generation 2 figures, so I had some heft diecast pieces with relatively subtle colours, and then super bold plastic figures. Would love if they remade the gestalts, but with premium designs.
Can't begin to imagine how much those would cost.
BTW, your name/avy/location makes me want ot ask: Have you ever seen the big Blaster/Soundwave fight from The Headmasters? Man, that was disappointing. If it was ever possible for there to be a double-kill where both sides go down like punks, that's probably it.