It's important that those three aren't signed for more than a 24M total, considering that our best four will likely cost us around 30M if things develop there best.
Going from an expected 95M Cap ceiling, that leaves 41M for 16 players, or an average of 2.565M per player, which honestly isn't as much as it might seem you are looking for talented depth. Just 18M spent on a 2nd line drops that average to 1,76M for the remaining 13 players to fill out your roster past a top-4 D and a top-6 Forward core, and we haven't even spoken about a G situation that should chime in around 8M, at best, leaving 1.35M per head for the remaining 11 players needed.
Hughes will seriously need handle the Cap situation with a keen eye if he wants keep a talented team together.
The BIGGEST mistake since Bettman took over is imagining hockey like it was the NBA, with only 5 players earning the bulk of the total Cap.It's too much of a teams port to look at managing the Cap that way.