The media isn't really that biased at all....Look at the Las Vegas SC odds for 2019...Canucks are near the bottom,so theres a lot more current negative press on the Canucks.(which is understandable).
Who said Benning was the 'best'?
He has produced the least competitive stretch..yes....Nobody has proclaimed JB's drafting to be the 'best',but it is acknowledged that he's assembled a highly skilled group of prospects
Some players need more 'development 'time (at the time of being drafted,they have underdeveloped physiques),or they have college..Most will be in camp this year.
Have the UFA signings been badly received ..absolutely..If the prospects make the team,Benning has to move players out (Granlund,Gagner)...The new signings haven't even played yet ,and they are already 'plugs'..?...Okey dokey.
The Canucks lineup is one of the softest in the league,and they don't have 'proper' bottom 6 players..mostly a ragtag of players like Goldoblin and Granlund,Motte and Gagner playing in miscast roles.