True. If I can talk with you fools on a forum sporadically throughout my day, then I can text my wife some flirty texts.
Oh yeah, I know that.
This is going to sound so arrogant, so I hope people don't take it that way, but for the sake of the conversation- I am a fairly good-looking dude. I take good care of myself physically, too. Working on a cardiac ICU will do that to you! So, some women can be very friendly and smiley toward me. I've had some comments made my way as well, and it's not that uncommon for a woman to show some attraction toward me. So, perhaps- I feel like I'd be getting laid all the time if I were single, which still isn't all that fulfilling of a life.
I'm also getting older, so perhaps my mind is venturing toward- 'you'll never get these chances again!', which I know is a f***ed-up way of thinking. I just want to be happy with everything I have in my little home, and typically- I am, but if I could lower my testosterone a bit- I'd probably be better off for it, haha.
I don't know. Maybe I should talk to a therapist instead. As I've progressed through my 30s- I've realized there are a few issues I have with myself that I probably neglected when I was younger. I've just grown up around old school, blue collard men who would never think of going to therapy for their problems, so it would be foreign territory for me.