Ugh! Starting to hear info on upcoming open enrollment for health insurance at work. I don't have all the details but they will no longer be offering the (local) plan/company that I currently have an am very happy with and instead our office will only have the national plan/company that is offered at other locations across the country. Not happy about this at all!

I told my wife already to get the breakdown of what her work offers for family health insurance plans and when her open enrollment is. That way once I get the full breakdown of what my work is offering in the coming days, I can do a comparison and see what the best course of action is.
I have not heard good things about the current national plan/company and if they are sticking with the same one while also forcing me away from what I have now; I am going to be even more unhappy.
I really like my job, but shitty health insurance will be a catalyst for me looking for a new job. Hopefully my wife's work offers something comparable to what I currently have so it won't matter and we can just make the switch to insurance through her come January 1st.