Why is radio so important?
it continues to be the sole source of:
1) instantaneous information. While twitter (X) and other mediums are just as fast, if not faster, they are limited in information transfer. A radio personality can talk us through things. Analyze, etc.
2) It is a human voice, as a result, we can validate the source and the info..We can be somewhat sure, it isn't some robot from who knows where.
3) it can adjust and change topics, message, etc.
TV is wonderful. It is visual.. But is is cumbersome. Cameras are needed and transmission means are needed. At the audience's end. A TV or computer is needed. Both need power and space.
Radio is mobile (at both generation and reception ends), instantaneous and human.
It is a mistake to lose it.
It will dumb us down, much further than we already are. And that is a mistake.
It will endanger us, no one will be able to provide critical information should it be needed. If a disaster strikes, we have no means of relaying information to people.