Big Church Bells
ps4 username is plamsunlimited. I don't wanna take your stuff it isn't fair. But I'll definitely play with you
I'm from Europe brudda, so the connection would be horrendous. The worst part about this game is the lag and desync.
And are you sure about the players though? I don't need them at all.
Sure. Just put one up for auction (let me know who) and I'll trade you a decent one.
When is good for you? Grabbing dinner atm.
Ah. Doesn't matter for me. Just write a reply when you have put a player up for auction.
Anyone else run into the no fighting glitch in be a gm? Just when I get used to how much of a joke this game is and cool down from getting pissed something else pops up.
No but I have noticed that when you play people online, some of them have ways of winning no joke every single face off and it drives me up a wall. Battled back against a guy to tie it at 3-3 and lost on a d zone draw with 1.8 seconds left because he had a way of winning every draw. Backhand, forehand, did not matter.
I used to play online team play religiously in public and leagues and was pretty good but I got pissed at the glitches and cheating one day and just stopped altogether. EA is such a joke, all they care about is their cash cows NFL and FIFA. They've all but stopped changing gameplay and player growth metrics/algorithms and it seems all they do now is add more pay to play features to make some coin off NHL while they work on NFL and FIFA.
I'm in year 2020 with the rangers in BEAGM and for whatever reason EVERY player in the league is set to fight never. One of many things they overlooked, I wish EA didn't have the exclusive license so there's some competition.
Madden is glitchy as hell too
UT is microtransaction rabbit hole central it's sad. My MUT sucks. I play online vs and thats it and only as like 3 teams. Kids glitch/exploit bugs so much.
Madden is glitchy as hell too
Really wish EA would put the newer NHL games on PC.
If they want the most money ever, that's where you'd get it from.
I beat someone online in NHL 18-0. Come on bruh
How the hell did the kid not quit?
Anyone play NHL on Xbox one and want to team up?