Please don’t quote that guy, I don’t want to see his posts.Bob pls, you’re our favorite. Just ignore smellyfish, it’s been a long week
Agree on Jones, but I'm ok with Doughty, Hedman, and Subban.Seth Jones deserves it, but it’s gonna be Hedman because it’s his turn or something
I am destroying CSA on Twitter the past few days but they deserve it.
Who wants to explain to me how that equation results in a negative number?
Twitter intern is dumb and is misinterpreting a ratio, when they’re most likely saying that there were three fewer quality chances for than against
Can someone explain to me why exactly the top two NSH lines get absurdly low ice time?
This has been going on for like a month now and I thought they were just easing into the playoffs but they are still doing it. Arvidsson/Forsberg both have not hit 18 mins since March 27th and in the case of Forsberg he's hit 18 minutes 4 times since the start of March (two being 3/1 and 3/2).
This is odd considering in Oct/Nov Forsberg averaged like 18:15.
They are getting roughly the same TOI as Colton Sissons and Austin Watson.
Wonder if Lavi is letting matchups get to his head too much? Wants to get Forsberg out there on good matchups and is just underplaying him because of it?They are not. They're actually taking less than they did early in the year where they took a ton (I think).
At 5v5 alone in the last 10 games of the regular season RyJo led them at 12:33 and Watson was 12th at 10:07.
In the playoffs Turris leads them at 13:37 then Fiala/Turris are around 12, Arvidsson/Smith/Watson 11.5, RyJo 11, Bonino/Sissons 10.5.
Wonder if Lavi is letting matchups get to his head too much? Wants to get Forsberg out there on good matchups and is just underplaying him because of it?
That'd be v dumb.
Corresponded with the Rangers performance and then the announcement from management that they were going to sell?The quality of posts on here was always questionable but does anyone else feel like it took an extra nosedive just this calendar year?
That's when the "blow up the organization and draft 15 year olds" crew showed up.Corresponded with the Rangers performance and then the announcement from management that they were going to sell?
The quality of posts on here was always questionable but does anyone else feel like it took an extra nosedive just this calendar year?
*frustrated exhale*It’s much better when you use the ‘ignore ‘ option.
*frustrated exhale*
You're right. I wish it wasn't in my nature to have to have the last word.
Kills my mental health.
I don’t have a problem engaging people on this site with opposing ideas. But, it is not worth the time and energy to sit and argue with posters who offer very little actual content. I enjoy jousting with you because, while you’re opinionated, you offer a lot in your arguments, and it forces me to examine my own arguments.
But there are posters who just don’t warrant that kind of energy. I see them as being one-note and predictable in a negative manner.
I know you are but what am II don’t have a problem engaging people on this site with opposing ideas. But, it is not worth the time and energy to sit and argue with posters who offer very little actual content. I enjoy jousting with you because, while you’re opinionated, you offer a lot in your arguments, and it forces me to examine my own arguments.
But there are posters who just don’t warrant that kind of energy. I see them as being one-note and predictable in a negative manner.
I know you are but what am I