Imaginary numbers, ie square root of -1, are used in science and engineering. Are you saying imaginary goals can't have applications in hockey analysis?! Really?! And people wonder why I'm not a prominent interlocutor on the mains: Leafs board is much higher iq and the reasons are perfectly clear: hf leafs has a larger population of users; to be a user of hf you must be relatively tech savy; this bars the lower end of the bell curve, leaving the leafs board with a higher population of above average to genius level intelligence. A characteristic of high intelligence is that they are open to new and novel ways of viewing the world. Hence the use of imaginary goals stats mirrors the use of imaginary numbers in science and engineering(the big brains in science, like the big brains of hf leafs, saw there usefullness). Alas, Hf, as a whole, is way behind and will only see the epoch changing nature of xgf when Matthews has retired and McDavid/Matthews will become like Lemieux/Gretzsky all over again when hf leafs have seen it from the beginning.