DMac has made some good defensive improvements since taking over but he has not improved the selfish undisciplined penalties and mistakes that this team continually makes. The Wolves were rolling at 3-0 and Larmand's selfish blunder changed the momentum of the game. Time and time again players selfishly put their petty on ice grievances first before the team . This has to stop before we can become relevant in the league standings.
Brassard's play since coming here has me wondering if he rivals as one of the worst goalies to play for the Wolves ever. Is he the equivalent of Connor Burgess, as the worst forward to ever don a Wolves jersey. I have never seen such a large goalie look so small as he did in the shootout yesterday. His cross ice crease movement is very lumbering. Papineau should fall on the sword for recruiting a goalie from another league , sight unseen. Waived by at least 3 teams is not a player we should want
Another troubling aspect lately is outside of Goyette, Mania, Toure and Degrazia is the lack of skating speed this team has. We need to draft ,recruit ,and yes retain players that possess speed and conditioning/stamina.