Contending line up to start 2023
Musty Dvorsky Goyette
Delic McCallum (Gavin Hayes)
Boudreau Villeneuve Pharand
Yearwood Walton Coughlan
(Spencer Sova) Collins
Anania Mania
Walton- Chromiak
I like what McCallum and Boudreau bring to the table.
I would prefer Donovan to Sova but I’m not sure Hamilton wants to let him go.
That leaves our first and second this year as trade baits plus Larmand, Konyen, Bishop, Protz Gaulton, Di Giantommaso Mauro and others to go with our extra picks.
I would invite Lucas Signoretti he’s dominant with the paperkings. I think he could be a nice addition to this group. Don’t know if he’s still tied to Erie.