Well it just goes to show you just how hard it is to win it or even qualify to play for it. Just because a teams gets the top pick or picks near the top in the draft for a few years does not guarantee anything if it isn't done the right way.
I feel as Ottawa finally has a good thing going with how things are in the dressing room and just the overall comradery the team has; coach included. Why mess that up ? If the team regressed performance wise and there were no set backs to blame I'd show him the door my self but for now that's not the case so I'll gladly open doors for him with a smile and a greeting.
A coach can very much be a friend. Obviously not a friend in a sense where you play video games with each other but for sure someone you trust and are comfortable with. Hard-assed and strict coaches are a thing of the past. That style of coaching has very short effectiveness. A coach can be strict and still be a friend. I feel its better to have that friend component than not. Would you play hard for someone that just demands, often hands out punishment and to you is just some strict a-hole behind the bench ? or someone that rightfuly demands, chooses discussion over handing out punishment and to you is not just your boss but someone you respect and are willing to do such ?