Social Media Septic Tank Thread


Former Flyers Fan
Jun 2, 2013
Just as a general statement, not specifically targeted at @Myrtman :

I don't think anyone has a problem with people being paid by the team and being unable to say certain things or be as viciously critical as fans are.

The problem I have is when they go unnecessarily hard in defending the team, when they don't have any reason to do so. I think Meltzer is often guilty of this. O'Connor might be even more guilty, since we know he knows better and understands/uses analytics often.

When I think of times I've been disgusted by something I've read, it's almost always "Why the hell is he defending ____?", not "Why the hell isn't he yelling about ____?".

There's just such a massive grey area where they could reside, not biting the hand that feeds them but also not destroying their credibility.

The first example that comes to mind is this bullshit. All he had to do is say nothing. Instead he says shit he knows isn't true...



Registered User
May 8, 2016
Try it a little bit and I’m sure that you’ll get some other willing participants from the board.

Just as you aren’t the best at these discussions in a typed manner if someone from here is going to step into the vocal conversation realm it will be something that we’re not as comfortable with. It’s give and take.

Your podcast is something that you benefit from financially so one of us jumping into your realm is giving you free content while we haven’t really been engaged with, why would we?
i made the offer. It was declined. Not the end of the world. While you all are more comfortable In this realm as you stated I am obviously more Comfortable in the spoken Realm. I have a ton going on today with my sons hockey and this week so I am checking out for a while. This is not me being scared off. Just very busy with life. Have a good one everybody.

Hollywood Cannon

I'm Away From My Desk
Jul 17, 2007
South Jersey
A paid shill on how I make a living. Time for me to move on now.

i made the offer. It was declined. Not the end of the world. While you all are more comfortable In this realm as you stated I am obviously more Comfortable in the spoken Realm. I have a ton going on today with my sons hockey and this week so I am checking out for a while. This is not me being scared off. Just very busy with life. Have a good one everybody.
I mean that’s what you are… and again I said there’s nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their job in life that puts a roof over your head.

With that said, You’re paid to puff up the Flyers and have acknowledged that you’re unable to talk about some of the topics that Magua brought up. Why would we want to engage with someone like that knowing that they can’t broach certain subjects?

The idea that people with a voice(not just you) aren’t allowed to speak freely about this shithole organization is a major part of the original issue that we discussed.


Foundational Titan
Jun 19, 2018
i made the offer. It was declined. Not the end of the world. While you all are more comfortable In this realm as you stated I am obviously more Comfortable in the spoken Realm. I have a ton going on today with my sons hockey and this week so I am checking out for a while. This is not me being scared off. Just very busy with life. Have a good one everybody.
Such a hard working shill. Lives big. Heavy weekends. Born to be a Flyer


Lusting Stromboli
May 22, 2008
Wait, is the issue that you can’t say someone should be fired or that you can’t explain why what they’ve done isn’t good enough? If it’s the former, no shit. If it’s the latter, I’m not wasting my time trying to clear my schedule when I really don’t have the time.

I do have experience presenting at industry cons in front of large crowds, have done podcasts, and have a properly setup XLR mic, camera, and a lack of interest in being anything besides polite.


#nEvErrEbUiLd #nEvErpLaYyOuTh #nEverpLaYsKiLL
Jul 1, 2010
Cologne, Germany
You think as an employee of the team I can publicly answer the questions Magua posted? Ok. Believe that if you choose.
I like your honesty. But it also shows that your are paid for propaganda and not for journalism. And it also shows that the FO of the flyers is in fear of open minded discussions! We all praise our free world in europe and america! And when it comes down to open discussions alot of people in our FREE WORLD are slaves of companies or the bosses of the world!


Lord Defect

Secretary of Blowtorching
Nov 13, 2013
i made the offer. It was declined. Not the end of the world. While you all are more comfortable In this realm as you stated I am obviously more Comfortable in the spoken Realm. I have a ton going on today with my sons hockey and this week so I am checking out for a while. This is not me being scared off. Just very busy with life. Have a good one everybody.
“I’m willing to take time out of my day to try to get two of you guys to come on my show so I don’t have to prep for a show.”

Rather than taking time out of your day to prep for a show and have a discussion here.


Entirely Palatable Product
Apr 25, 2016
Huron of the Lakes
You think as an employee of the team I can publicly answer the questions Magua posted? Ok. Believe that if you choose.

#1-3 are clearly answerable. #4, okay, that's realistic. #5 again is clearly answerable and begins with a discussion about Yzerman and hockey in general.

I'm trying to parse out what we can even discuss with an employee of the team, which gets at our original gripe of the pointlessness of this. With respect, you're a content creator, not a front office employee, whose job is to formulate opinions, albeit with a team approved angling.

So, we can't talk about what the roster (healthy or otherwise), can't talk about the value ledger of trades and signings in recent years, can't talk about the prospect pool, can't talk about nebulous ideas of how offensive league wide has outpaced defense, can't talk about the advisors, can't talk about the coaches beyond praising motivational skills, can't talk about macro issues with this team's direction. What CAN we talk about? Should we reenact the Lincoln–Douglas debates focused solely on the topic of "Effort"?

1.) We have your latest titled "Broadcasters Roundtable: Injury Adversity Strikes" (of course) -- do you believe a fully healthy Flyers team is still not a bottom 10 team? With much of their salary tied into soon to be declining injured players? Do you see a coherent plan to build a contending team? Bigger picture seem to be evasively avoided. Compare this to what Seravalli honestly said in his recent podcast with Settlemyre, to which you probably listened (and that's what people want to hear).

2.) Skimming your roundtable (each video seems to have a viewership drop, which I think tells you people just are less and less interested in being sold a bill of goods) I was blessed with a several minute segment showering encomiums upon Seeler, Deslauriers, MacEwen. As Coates and Jackson said: "They brought a toughness that makes everyone feel better about themselves.....not liabilities, strengths!" Seeler hype as the best defenseman. Do you not see this as part and parcel why they're a horrible team, effort aside? Endlessly praising fighting and effort in fringe low skill players doesn't hit like you think it does with the non-geriatric fanbase. It's as misguided as praising the wonders of the telegraph.

3.) Much of the rest is about Tortorella, foundation foundation foundation! Again, ignoring Tortorella, foundation for what? It's just empty phrases. Why don't you discuss the deep in the red value in/out? How does a team so near the bottom have so few picks (and had so few picks) and so few tradable assets? This team is headed to a long, dark rebuild due to managerial incompetence. Noah Cates is a nice bottom 6 slotted LW, but if you need to go out of the way to praise his defense and 8 points as a top 6 center, or even the more skilled Tippett as a possible middle 6 piece, is that not a tacit admission how far away they are in talent? Nobody online is more in tune with the prospect pool than this forum, mind you.

4.) Do you believe the Flyers need to clean house with the front office, advisor crew, etc? Do you believe, speaking of foundations, that there is something foundationally wrong?

5.) How about you discuss what Steve Yzerman said in this video:

He said the offense in this league has evolved so much that the defense is having trouble adjusting. To quote: "The offensive side of coaching has overtaken the defensive side." Meanwhile, we have a GM who for years now flagellates himself anytime the topic of offense comes up -- you'd never guess the Flyers score the fewest goals/game with the worst PP. The offense has overtaken the defense, so the front offices publicly emphasizes only defense -- and an outdated definition of defense? Hire a coach who openly says he can't help with offense, when the offensive side of coaching is tantamount? Does this make sense?


Former Flyers Fan
Jun 2, 2013
I do have experience presenting at industry cons in front of large crowds, have done podcasts, and have a properly setup XLR mic, camera, and a lack of interest in being anything besides polite.

yeah same


Registered User
Dec 20, 2013
Paris of the Praries
I do work for the team, and to be fair some of those things you are asking are areas I cannot go into. Just giving you an honest reply.
We know you're a paid mouth piece for the team. That's why you and the rest of the media are so worthless as reporters. I don't blame you, it's more important to get paid then too preserve some false sense of honor about being a sports reporter.

But you don't get to have your cake and eat it too, selling out is fine, but then you have to realize any knowledgeable fan is going to see you for exactly what you are.


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