“One chord is fine. Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you're into jazz.” -Lou Reed
See, I have a hard time with your first paragraph. The premise seems to be simple = bad & complex = good, or at least complex can't = bad because it's complex, or should be spared from criticism because it's complex. I disagree. A simple 3 chord pop song can hit emotionally the same way a simply but beautifully prepared plate of pasta with 3 or 4 ingredients can hit your palate: pure pleasure; whereas a complex song can fall completely flat, be forgettable or even outright unpleasant, the same way an over-complicated fusion dish trying to do too much can miss out on why people eat food in the first place - because it tastes good. While this is only my opinion, being a wildly talented musician does not at all save you from making bad music.