let's assume:
1) Georgiev is not traded by trade deadline,
2) Georgiev is not traded in the offseason,
3) Lundqvist stays for 20/21 season
4) Shesty proves in 19/20 he is at nhl level.
Do you think it would be good idea to share almost all games (let say at least 65-70 between two young goalies and max 12-15 for Hank). Of course assuming alex and igor will still play at solid or at least average nhl level. It would be risky 3 goalies rotation but with two main goalies and with:
A) experienced mentor who is happy he can contribute to talent development in his beloved organisation (and who retires there with nice salary for that last year) but plays very seldom
B) former star goalie in his final year of the contract who is pissed off he does not get as many games as he wishes (but still he retires in his beloved organisation and receives nice salary for the final year).
For me A) is ideal but B) is acceptable and still good scenario (and for sure better than trading georgiev or having shesty in the ahl). Do you agree?
Do you think in case of B) Hank would like and would be able to spoil relations in the team? I don't think so, I think he is to classy and he wouldn't like to risk his reputation, especially in the final year.
And finally do you think our front office would decide to implement the aboved scenario?