"Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet" is cliche material, not actual factual insight. How do you measure or identify preparedness? Because you appear to be committing the same fallacy mentioned in the post you quoted - you're starting from your conclusion and working backwards. "We lost, therefore we weren't prepared" even though, as has been demonstrated, the difference between winning and losing is sometimes nothing more than luck. Your assessment here seems to be based largely on the what rather than the how, the results rather than the method. What happens if we get that lucky bounce in game 6? Would that have made us more prepared in your eyes? Would your perception of the team or the management group radically change? Because if yes, then that exemplifies the problem I'm talking about. But if no, then you acknowledge how superficial this level of analysis is.
This has been explained to you now repeatedly - nobody is making that shot the "focal point" of their victory. It's meant to illustrate the part luck can play in the creation of narratives.
Except we know for a fact that team was a championship caliber team, yet we can imagine a perfectly feasible scenario where a team so well-constructed loses in the semis. So shouldn't the takeaway here be that no matter how great a roster is constructed, there's enough variability and unpredictability in the moment-to-moment ongoings of certain sports that it's not always as simple as "Team lose therefore worse, other team win therefore better"?
Of course they would have, but the point is the narratives surrounding those losses aren't necessarily reflective of the reality surrounding those losses. I don't know enough about those Bills teams or the specifics of why they lost, so no further comment aside from this question betrays the exact same fallacy I've pointed out multiple times now.
It was a general example of a common cliched criticism. I also qualified it with "whichever narrative you prefer" for a reason. The point remains the same regardless.
You are keep spinning.
This past series was different from the past few years actually it reminded me of our 2nd Series where the team seemed to be more prepare. You can't honestly sit here and state the team was as prepared as this past series as in Game 5-7 against the Habs or Game 4-5 against BJs. Results matters but just watched those games again and watch this past series and you could clearly see which Leafs team was more ready to play from the get go.
These preparation might not just be the Xs and Os from coaches, they could also be the mentality of the players.
I think comparing the Superbowl or football playoffs to the other BIG 3 playoffs are different in that football is a one off game while the other three are a series, where luck plays less of a factor.
Also, the unlucky part of getting TB or any other teams, this is the playoffs and the goal is to win the Cup and not a round. Winning the Cup means beating great teams, you cannot take comfort in, we made it tough for this great team....The boys need to beat these great teams and win the Cup.
The current Leafs is not a bad team and they could beat any teams in the playoffs, but the question is Can they do it? Would having someone like Trotz helps bc he led his team to TWO Conf Finals and a Cup the past few years, definitely.
Would getting someone like Marchand or Toews or Malkin help, I can't see why not since all three of them actually won a Cup and knows what it takes to win a Cup plus they can still play on a high level.
Look at the Leafs, and beside Muz and Hanisey, I really can't name anyone who won the Cup or played a major role in winning the Cup. Heck only JT, Muz and Willie were part of a team that won something for their Country.
The talents are there, their work ethic are there as this past playoffs had shown, the last part is their mentality. If a coaching change would help, I really don't see why not.