I feel that it will be a Sweden-USA final this year.
Sweden's game is too well structured and they have the talent too, plus a great goalie.
Finland is a mess defensively and the super offense can't bail us out every game, especially not against an opponent with a good gameplan and patient execution. Of course, there is the home crowd support to balance things out but unless Kähkönen has a really good game, I think Sweden will advance.
That said, the Canada game yesterday was one of the wildest, most entertaining games I have ever seen in about 35 years of watching hockey. Hockey is a form of entertainment and boy was I entertained. I have recently come to the realization that this is perhaps the most important thing. I may focus on junior international tourneys in the future because of their entertainment value and also because NHL decided to rape the sports on the senior level. By that I mean the NHL going with the biased and laughable gong-show that the World Cup of Hockey has become, instead of best on best Olympic hockey.