looks like it was a 2010 link... and yes, more recent data suggests the average weight has gone down a bit.
so splitting hairs aside, remains that Farell, Mesar, Kidney, Mysak, Rohrer, Roy and Ylonen are all on the "smallish" side of the equation (below average height or weight or both).
Like Suzuki, some of them may well develop the kind of thickness as to play "bigger" than their physical stature, that's always possible (though with that, also runs the risk of adding too much bulk, as we've at times seen happen).
As someone who far more values skill and grit over "size", I was certainly not suggesting we should dump some of them in favor of Hugh Jessiman clones. Far from that.
It is, however, a trend in prospect pool and roster makeup that the management will need to pay close attention to as they roster-build and manage/optimize assets over time.