I love this.
The idea that the GM should be improving the team every summer is met by "well give me the very specific picks and cap consequences of deals that didn't happen"
C'mon. You just want to knit pick on whatever my suggestions are rather that acknowledge Adams has been an absentee GM since the Eichel trade.
And you don't want to admit that waiting and stockpiling assets while the team's core develops into a playoff team BEFORE making all in moves is a legitimate strategy.
Many rebuilds have crashed and burned and never made the jump because GMs make their moves too early, and the young core and farm are not yet ready to play the role they are needed to play when those teams went for it.
What you call absentee, I see as smart patience.
This core has not yet hit it's window, and giving up a lot of assets to add the older complimentary pieces is silly when those pieces will all most likely bolt before this core hits it's window.
All the optimistic posters on this board seem to think that once Buffalo is a playoff team, all the UFAs will want to flock here at discount prices for a chance to win, and all the team's UFAs will want to stay and give Adams a discount.
It's like no one remembers the past.
Remember when the team was one of the best in the league and then won the presidents trophy the following year? Remember all the UFAs begging to come to Buffalo for reasonable contracts? No? Yeah, me either. Remember all the Sabres UFAs just dying to re-sign with the club during that span and not bolt to other cities? Like Drury, Dumont, McKee, Campbell, Grier, Briere, Zubrus....
The critical time to address the holes is still just around the corner, (due to the position of the core in their development imo). Until that time comes, Adams plan of being patient gets a pass from me.
Sometimes it is more about knowing when not to make the big moves that leads to more future success.