Not loooking good. He better put it together before the playoff begins.
The force feeding of Boyle and now Yandle has really stopped McDonaghs offensive development in its tracks
I don't think that's really a bad thing. But I don't think AV is paring our D-men properly. Yandle and Boyle are both offensively skilled d-men and semi-ok defensively skilled D-men. Whereas, Girardi and Mac are quite the opposite. I feel AV should split the talent. Maybe do the paring like:
1. Mac and Yandle
2. Giraridi and Boyle
3. Stall and Kline
Im not suggesting Mac cant play offense, I in fact, think he can do it all, and do it all way better then most, but you gotta play the personnel to their strength and put them is situations that will help the team win.
I also think Yandle and Boyle should be paired up on the PP, with Boyle running it. But I'm sure that wont be the most popular idea on here.
I don't think that's really a bad thing. But I don't think AV is paring our D-men properly. Yandle and Boyle are both offensively skilled d-men and semi-ok defensively skilled D-men. Whereas, Girardi and Mac are quite the opposite. I feel AV should split the talent. Maybe do the paring like:
1. Mac and Yandle
2. Giraridi and Boyle
3. Stall and Kline
Im not suggesting Mac cant play offense, I in fact, think he can do it all, and do it all way better then most, but you gotta play the personnel to their strength and put them is situations that will help the team win.
I also think Yandle and Boyle should be paired up on the PP, with Boyle running it. But I'm sure that wont be the most popular idea on here.
The force feeding of Boyle and now Yandle has really stopped McDonaghs offensive development in its tracks
AV and Ulf have kept Yandle away from first line forwards like the plague thus far - and he has STILL struggled. That goes beyond his partner, so I dont think its the best idea to give him more ES minutes against tougher competition.
He's definitely been coming around. He's been playing very well for quite some time now.
The two biggest problems are things that have been evident to me this entire season and still persist, holding McD back:
1. His conditioning hasn't been up to his usual level all season.
2. He's trying to do too much (carrying the puck up ice himself like he's bobby orr, over committing on defense, forcing passes that aren't there) most likely in response to being named captain.
Should've been Staal, IMO. I guess there was still uncertainty over whether or not he'd be back long-term, though.
The two biggest problems are things that have been evident to me this entire season and still persist, holding McD back:
1. His conditioning hasn't been up to his usual level all season.
2. He's trying to do too much (carrying the puck up ice himself like he's bobby orr, over committing on defense, forcing passes that aren't there) most likely in response to being named captain.
I'll worry about McDonagh's offense when he remembers how to play defense.
I think that's something McDonagh and Av and ulf are trying to add to his game.. U watch guys like Shea weber and ryan suter they're great with there sticks and physicality. Staal is great at the stick work but his physicality has declined with the injuries. McDonagh is probably trying to add this to his game but doesn't try it in important games hence why he's played better in must win games.. Hopefully I'm right and he can turn it on in the playoffsMcdonagh needs to get back to a positioning/physical game. Way to much stick waving of late with no regard for where he is positionally. Once he starts getting more physical I think his game will come around.
Staals been worse.
No he really hasn't.