First of all Leetch was into his 10th season as an NHLer.
Secondly he had a sheety team behind him !
I am sooooooooo tired of hearing how bad Leetch was as a captain.
His years as a captain include years of him aging and his team sucking arse.
Now, Mcdonagh and Leetch play totally different types of games,
so i wish people would just stop comparing them.
That silly letter matters only to fans, the players KNOW who their leaders are and I am sure the locker room matters 100% more than some **** letter stitched on the uniform.
McDonagh has NOT had a good year at all, I had hopes of a norris and maybe a conn smythe, but hockey is like life, who knows.
However he has not been and is not a BAD player !!
Stats my arse !
This fella is here to stay and is a HUGE part of this teams future and present.
Not as good as I would have thought but no where near as bad as this thread makes out.
I am no apologist but come on, seriously.