I love how many here are whining we didn't get Seth Jones and make it sound like he's some Top 1-2 dman. He is NOT the same Dman since his Columbus days, and even then, he wasn't anywhere near as good as he should have been. Florida gave up a 1st and Spencer Knight. That'd be like us giving up Savoie and a 1st. Do you honestly want Jones for that? I definitely do not want him for that. Especially if he shits the bed for Florida, because they got him for 5 more years at 7M a year.
As for Kane, do you honestly think the Oilers are gonna come out and say "Oh yeah, Kane is out the season and we will use his LTIR for help and then we can bring Kane back in the playoffs"? Like are you all that dumb to think they'd say that? I personally think the media has ZERO f***ing clue what is going on, and they are pulling straws on what they THINK is happening. We have 6 days until trade deadline. Why don't we all take a couple of steps away from the edge, and see what we do, than make shit posts like "BoWmAn usEs OnLy WaiVer WiRe PiCkS! HE's toO StOoPiD tO MaKe a TrAde!".