Big Gear Franco
Registered User
- Jun 16, 2023
- 7
- 10
Feel like you could change some words out and make this a sermon against premarital sex.
Creating internal standards for what will constitute excellence in managerial execution is just a way to be smugly pissed forever. Because no one will ever do the precise things that I or you want them to. Everyone is their own idiot, and the idiots won't change with time. So my positioning is:
If you think these people suck and are going to fail at everything anyway, then why would you deny yourself the enjoyment of seeing excellent talent and better hockey because you're concerned that they'd f*** up differently in different circumstances. Everything is useless, right? Why prescribe them ONLY the existing challenge (that you're certain they'll fail to meet) and refuse to give them a different, more entertaining challenge
And the other part of it is that stasis breeds more of itself. So if you want things to change dramatically, then introducing something that legitimate reshapes the team's expectations and needs should be welcomed. If you don't have faith that these people can figure it out (or luck it out) ever, then why extend their window to do that?
Sorry, I don't see any coherence to not wanting the player sooner. I'm typically with consensus here about most things, but I think this "nooooo don't let the really good hockey player be on the teammmmm" stance is just masochist masturbation. It's so deep in everyone's heads that they might not be able to see it, some kind of mental defense against disappointment or something.
this is a good, and novel for the board, discussion.
there is a bit of an accelerationist bent to bringing michkov over sooner, both in short-circuiting a rebuild, but also in leveraging a managerial f*** up. so that is entertainment both from the player, and at least a different type of hockey ops shame-'batin'.
i think game-by-game viewership will hinge more on what a person wants out of their fandom. some may be totally content to not ever watch a flyers game with johnny manicotti presiding over a slapdick squad of 78 ovr grindstars, regardless of michkov getting 13 minutes a night until he perfects his hustle.