You nailed it, Lamoriello was given the autonomy to fix the dumpster fire, why wouldn't he take that opportunity? Malkin deserves credit for bringing in an actual GM/President who knows what they're doing. We can quibble about specific moves or what we'd like to see done differently but Lamoriello is a professional, has a tremendous track record, and has helped turn this franchise around.
We shouldn't be giving Malkin credit and Trotz credit but skipping Lamoriello. It's very plausible, and likely, that Trotz sits out a year if Snow is GM and not Lamoriello. They all deserve to be recognized. Nobody should be short changing Malkin, he turned the on-ice product around and got a new arena done when almost everyone thought it'd be impossible. He's also gotten another outdoor game and has a draft/all-star game lined up after the completion of the retail village at Belmont.
These past six seasons or so have been the most stable and enjoyable I've ever had in my lifetime. I hate that we spend our time arguing over who deserves the most credit.