abnormally high
- Aug 23, 2009
- 509
- 282
Agree. I appreciate all the business arguments. And as you’re saying, we have no right to tell a guy how to run his business. But I also think that in a capitalist structure the rich have an obligation to be give back and step in to fill some of the social security roles. In fact, I’d prefer the rich were taxed less but more community-minded. There’s plenty of money to go around.
(Please don’t interpret this as some socialist fantasy wish. I’m for lower taxes... but with wealth and power should also come some added responsibility).
There are many wealthy individuals that are doing what they can at this time. Imposing requirements on them to provide for the less wealthy is, in fact, love it or hate it, Communism.
The problem is the echelon above the regulated masses, wealthy or not. Corporations and how they are woven into our government should be scrutinized and held responsible. But accountability has eluded the titans of industry for hundreds of years. Why change that? You will only stir the beast.
How about the timing of something so dangerous that large gatherings of people are prohibited? Just when large populist protests were becoming more and more common all over the world?
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