Is he putting up 70 without Panarin? Of course not. However, he is putting up 70 points which I think we can agree is nothing to sneeze at. Are we criticizing guys for having chemistry? Straka excelled with Jagr... did we say screw Straka- he’s only this good because of Jagr... or did we say these guys have chemistry together and make each other better - let’s keep this going. Panarin is having his best statistical year to date so why are we dumping the guy he’s performing with? Drop him off the roster and which guy is a slam dunk to equal his chemistry with Panarin or point production? He’s a perfect age to be a vet on this team and should be in or entering his prime. Listen, if he has an unrealistic number like 6 x 6 in mind then goodbye. If he says I’ve played in the tri state area for awhile, I’m in a great professional situation, and I’m happy so I’d like to stay and will take 4.5 for 3-4 years then why in gods name wouldn’t you take it? His point totals would be a bargain at that price.