Omg dude it is midnight and you want to have this argument right now about your BELIEF on how to build a team. One that is clearly based off of what happened in Chicago and Pittsburgh. i dont need to provide you a “substantive rebuttal” to your freaking opinion of how to build a team.
Well all we are doing is arguing opinions, though backed by evidence, but yes, and your position is just your "opinion." However I have clearly stated my case as to why I disagree with your opinion.
Pitt and Chicago got lucky with their drafts. And guess what, Crosby was in the playoffs 2 years after his draft year. Kane was there 1 year afterwards. I dont know maybe making it did have a strong impact on their futures. Maybe it didnt. But for you to come on here and again pass your views and opinions off as fact is absolute bullshit. Thats all it is. Its bull. Your clogging up the thread with an essay telling everyone why theyre wrong and your right about how to build a team, when you dont know shit.
Firstly, I didn't "tell you that you are wrong." I said I strongly disagree. That is the nature of message board debates. For having 17k posts I would think that you would have realized that by now, but I have not, in any way, deliberately attempted to be rude or disrespectful to you as you have been to me in this thread so far.
Second, I'm not "passing my opinion off as fact" any more than you are. I am expressing my opinion and backing it up with reasons and evidence. If you don't like that, then I don't know what to tell you, but that's what an argument is. But I've said why I think acquiring talent is more important, and then I expounded on the logic of those reasons and backed it with examples. Until your recent post-edit, you hadn't even had a response other than to attack my posts as "just my opinion."
But I do see that you are essentially now arguing that by citing Pittsburgh, LA, and Chicago as my models, you appear to be claiming that isn't a realistic path because they all got lucky.
I would counter that luck tends to follow teams selecting high in the draft. As it just did with us and Kakko last year.
Yes you are twisting your own words around to essentially say the same thing. Your denying that you didnt say the playoffs werent important in one breath and then implying it in the next in a fancy way of saying it without actually saying it.
I'm not twisting anything, you are failing to comprehend the nuance of what I'm saying, or you are deliberately obscuring it.
It is more important that this team get another top 6 forward than it is that this team make the playoffs this year. That is my opinion, in no way is it "fact," but there are some facts that support that opinion.
Additionally, there is the logic that, again, we will never again (for a decade or so at least) likely be in a position to supplement this core with another top draft pick. This year is our last chance. Whereas we can get this core experience in many subsequent years. That is why talent is more important... mainly, because it almost always must come first.
God I hope this team makes the playoffs to shove it up your ass. The arrogance about how a team should be built is so self absorbing. I hope they re-sign Kreider too for that same reason.
You are an angry person.... maybe seek counseling. LGR.