You think that's what you're doing, but you're very close-minded on certain issues and come off as extremely arrogant.I push back on hot takes and stupid comments. Some people are just more prone to making them.
On the flip side of that, I can debate an actual issue and be perfectly fine having different opinions.
For example, I can debate someone on the Panarin or Trouba issues, dedicate pages upon pages to it, and be perfectly okay disagreeing with that person. Likewise, I can debate someone and still see the logic in their perspective.
I don't think patience for 20 year old players is a middle of the road opinion; it's common sense.
Do I think I'm smarter than everyone? Not at all. But I do think I'm in the group of people who, more often than not, aren't talking out of their ass either.
In my experience, it's usually the people who have a tendency to talk our of their ass who chafe the most when they're called on it. Everyone knows who they are. Some choose to ignore it. Some just rolls their eyes. But everyone has a pretty good idea of who they are --- except the actual people in question.
So yeah, when people comment about players they aren't old enough to remember, or players they've never worked with, or conveniently leave out a huge amount of context, I'm gonna call it out.
Also, I think you're biased in favor of Howden while you accuse others of having an agenda against him.
You've always had a chub for Howden and that's fine, but you're not above irrationally loving players like everyone else does despite the fact that you put yourself on this pedestal of being the ultimate logician.
Full disclosure, I always give Kreider the benefit of the doubt. We all have that player. It's not "the usual suspects," it's everyone.