You can't expect players to want to stay involved in a dumpster fire forever. This team needs to start moving in an upward trend next year or management has failed miserably. I'm not talking about competing for a cup or anything but playing meaningful games this time of year. There is no way their plan is to bottom feed for 2 more years, ..the players will tune out, check out and leave here. I mean does Kravtsov even want to come here next year, what about shestyerkin? They don't have to, and if it's between getting your butt handed to you nightly for league minimum or playing at home for KHL money then they may pick the latter. College free agents, ufa, rfa players and our own players playing overseas have to see some light at the end of the tunnel to wanna come here. I'm 100% sure they didnt tell Quinn we will be bad for his first 5 years here, he wouldn't have left where he was. If you wanna complain about who we picked fine, but this thing cant linger on forever or your players lose the will to compete, you can already see it happening now as this year drags on. I like Gorton but if he can not turn this ship in the right direction next year, he will be fighting for his job the following year and there is nothing more dangerous than a GM fighting for his job