Glen Sathers Cigar
Sather 4 Ever
Yeah, I mean good for these guys trying to get their name out there but I constantly find myself cringing at them.This guy could not be more corny if he tried.
Their podcast is not good first of all, lots of whining and basically parroting hockey twitter talking points and often seeming like they don't really know what they're talking about (not talking about difference of opinion, like literally not knowing who players are and stuff like that) aside from what they read on twitter.
Then their whole "Church of Kakko" thing was probably the cringiest thing I've ever seen and the dude is dressed up as the pope going to games, but also super weird bc Kakko was just an 18 year old kid.
Now this billboard. Idk, they just kind of rub me the wrong way. And I should be their target audience: 31 year old guy who is a diehard Rangers fan, the only team and sport I care about, craving any content I can get and I can't get through their podcast.
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