I thought we got to bargaining but I think some of us are stuck in denial.
Zuccarello isn't mad he's about to be traded. He's mad he didn't get an extension like so many of the other good soldiers. He feels slighted because he didn't get rewarded like Step, Mac, Hank, Girardi and Staal. That's the only explanation for sandbagging it. You didn't take care of me, I'm not helping you.
It's a business. Nearly all of those nice contracts turned into new uniforms. Hank will be a legend but Staal will pay the most for his deal. He's going to continue being a lightning rod for the woes. Bad seasons to top it off. This isn't boo hoo, but his quality of life took a hit on the physical sense. Things you don't get back. He's not getting the mercy kill that everyone else, including Zucc, got.