Alright guys and gals, this is the type of conversation where we start drifting into assumption and speculation and passing it off as fact.
1. We do not know what, if any offers were on the table for Zucc. So to comment about us passing up on deals is misleading.
2. Let's also be honest, if the Rangers just took "any deal" because it was supposedly better than what we'd get now (which to the point above, we don't know), there are a good number of people on here would be livid about that. If the return was awful we'd be complaining about Gorton got fleeced and we should've waited.
Look, this team isn't perfect, and some decisions should be questioned with a critical eye. But let's not also get into that habit of baiting these conversations so that we get bent out of shape no matter what the team does. That approach isn't really an accurate way to critique what is going on, that's more like oppositional defiance.
3. Personally, I think if there was a good deal on the table for Zucc, a deal would've already been done. The fact that a deal isn't done probably speaks more to what the market was like post-TDL and continues to be thus far. This is also evidenced by some of the returns we've seen around the league, and the time it took for them to be completed.
I don't think this is a Gorton thing, I think it's a market thing.